Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learning continues

To deepen the work and to learn more, I just attended a weekend of post graduate training back east. It was great to connect with many of my class mates, to learn and reinforce new moves to use within a clients session, and to interact with like minded individuals.

I came away with the desire to know more about me, what I want to attract in a client, the type of individuals I would love to work with as I love to explore and discover. I have to flesh this out to become more clearer and focused. Then those individuals who are in the phase of discovery, exploring, and being curious would be attracted to what I do.

More to continue!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Journey Continues

Wow, summer is gone!

What do I love about the work of Rubenfeld Synergy - I witness transformation in individuals who have experienced the work. You ask - what does transformation mean? Transformation in the form of clients becoming aware of habitual patterns in their life, issues in their life where they are more clear about how they feel, what needs to be met, and importantly, the healing that takes place in their body and life to move on to their next step.

You have to experience the work to understand the concept. This work is a very powerful BodyMind Therapy.

If you like to try a session, I offer a complimentary session - just call me and we'll schedule it.