Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Your Body is Your Clay Home - Rubenfeld Synergy

Reading from ANAM CARA by John O’Donohue

“Your body is your clay home; your body is the only home that you have in this universe. It is in and through your body that your soul becomes visible and real for you. Your body is the home of your soul on earth”…..the body is a sacred threshold and it deserves to be respected, minded and understood in its spiritual nature – ‘Your body knows you very intimately – it is aware of your whole spirit…. Far sooner than your mind knows… (Your body knows). The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.

Invite yourself to go inside, close your eyes, and notice what body part do you rely on?

Just notice – no judging

What was the experience like for you?

This is about you listening to yourself……how gentle you can be to yourself…..what is it like to be gentle…..

Your body holds your life story - what was your experience as you closed your eyes and what did you notice - where were you drawn to?  All of this is example of how we would work together to hear what your body wants to say. 

Through the work of Rubenfeld Synergy, your body will reveal a treatment plan as we witness this exciting work together.  Sometimes a metaphor surfaces that relates to what is happening in your life.  For example, you did a body scan and noticed and were drawn to your stomach area.  Your stomach area felt tense and experienced pressure.  A metaphor could be "what can you not stomach in your life"?  We would stay with this sensation of feeling tense and pressure in your stomach and follow the thread. 

After a session, you come away with an experience of listening to your body and coming back home. 

If you are curious, love adventure and exploring,  call me.

Visit or for more information.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage

Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is not a form of massage therapy. It differs from massage in goals, philosophy, and techniques or method.

Different Goals. The overall goal of Rubenfeld Synergy is psychophysical re-education. RSM assists clients in exploring problems they are experiencing in any area of their functioning, in developing greater awareness on all levels, and in making more satisfactory choices in their way of being. The goals of massage are much more narrow: to enhance the functioning of joints and muscles, to improve circulation and muscle tone, and to relieve mental and physical fatigue.

Different Philosophy. Rubenfeld Synergists see the individual as a whole being with mind, body, emotions, and spirit interrelated and interactive, capable of self-healing, self-regulations, growth, and change. The responsibility for growth and change rests with the client. In contrast, the massage client is completely passive, with the massage therapist responsible for producing results and the focus is on changes in the physical body.

Different Techniques. Rubenfeld Synergy uses gentle, non-intrusive touch with fully clothed clients. Rubenfeld Synergists “listen” with their hands and use intentional touch, movement and talk throughout the session. They frequently use metaphor, imaging, and humor in verbal interactions. As a client identifies an area of concern in his/her life, the Synergist suggests and “experiment” in that moment that is designed to provide an opportunity to re-experience some personal issue or event from a new perspective. This can lead to a new behavior sequence or a new view of an earlier experience.

In specific contrast to massage, the Rubenfeld Synergy client is always fully clothed. RSM uses none of the tools of massage, not hot or cold packs, nor oils or hydrotherapy or aromatherapy, nor any of the techniques such as stroking or kneading or tapping. RSM does not even use its light touch for therapeutic purposes, but only to heighten the client’s awareness. RSM never uses deep tissue manipulation.

In summary, both the purpose and the technique of Rubenfeld Synergy differ so greatly from those of massage, that RSM can not, in any way, be considered a form of massage nor should it come under the regulations that govern massage.

For more information, visit or

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rubenfeld Synergy Method

After reading all of the articles and information posted on this blog have you wondered what it would be like to have a Rubenfeld Synergy session or asked yourself what would this do for me, would I experience something in my life different and would I feel better each day.

From my own personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions - yes you will feel different and better.

I was first introduced to this work when my best girlfriend was an intern in the Rubenfeld Synergy Training Program in 2002 gave me a session.  Wow, it was unbelievable.  Not really understanding what she was going to do I was open to the experience as I laid on a padded massage table being fully clothed.  I remembered her touch - it was supportive, caring, and safe - safety was and is very important for me even to this day.  Out of my session came the release of emotion that I had held in my body, specially in my left hip which hurt for years, the trauma that I experienced from a horrible car accident some 25 years earlier.  From that day on, I never had or experience any more pain from my left hip.

I realized that throughout my lifetime, stress, memories and suppressed or denied emotions are stored in our bodies, affecting our health and well-being. These “holdings”, “tensions” and “aches” cause us to live feeling chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected like the pain in my left hip that I had for years.

Rubenfeld Syngery Method helped me to learn to listen to my body, become aware of habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering me to make concrete improvements in my daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows us to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone

From my very first session, I became a support of this work and entered into the program in 2003 and graduated in 2007.  Many people have not heard of this powerful work. 

It changed my life - when you can come home to be in your body, it is good to be home.  My life and experience has been warm, fuzzy, safe, and fun. 

Would you not want to feel great in your body and be in a better place?

For my information, please visit or or give me a call.