Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Listen to the Whispers of Your Kidneys through Rubenfeld Synergy

Listen to the Whispers of Your Kidneys through Rubenfeld Synergy. The Body is a Reliable Source of Information.

Have you listen lately to the whispers of your kidneys? What would it say?

In traditional Chinese Medicine, emotions and physical health are intimately connected. The Kidneys house the emotion of Fear, either as a sudden fright or a chronic state of anxiety.

Have you experienced fear in your body? Do you know what it feels like? Humans freeze when overwhelming, life-threatening situations overrides any viable possibility of fighting or fleeing.

Your body is a reliable source of information if you listen to it. Do you know how to listen? When your body is in pain, it sends messages to us. Unless we know how to decode and understand these messages, our body may become disabled with dis-ease. You will learn and be guided on how to listen to the whispers of your body through the Rubenfeld Synergy Method.

How would Rubenfeld Synergy help me understand my body’s messages? Experiencing Rubenfeld listening touch offers a powerful tool to access and acknowledge feelings, and images that have been hidden in the body for years, creating tension, pain, and distorted perceptions. Repressed tears, anger, grief, and much else may be re-experienced and released during a session, offering freedom for the new ways of being. Living through listening to your body is like living in another world.

Are you aware of fear in your life? Have you experienced kidney stones, which are tears of emotion? What would those kidney stones reveal about your life? What stops you from learning your body’s story?

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