Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Interview on Real Coaching Radio-TV Network

Well, my interview on Friday evening was interesting - even though I did a tech check earlier in the day and it worked, when it was my time to connect for the show - skype did not work so we did the interview via phone about what I do as a Rubenfeld Synergist - when I get the link, I'll post it -

Also shortly after the show, I received an email from the host to be invited back for a second show - and I said yes!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Interviewed on "Mind Body and Soul Show"

Reminder - Tonight I will be interviewed on the “Mind Body and Soul Show” on the "Building a Positive Network and Spread Consciousness show with host Steve Toth November 11th at 9:30 PM EASTERN – 7:30 PM MOUNTAIN on Real Coaching Radio-TV Network.

Call in, chat and interact with us in the Live studio at

Monday, November 7, 2011

Interviewed on the Real Coaching Radio-TV Network

Please join me as I am being interviewed via skype to talk about what I do in my holistic body-mind practice as a Rubenfeld Synergist.
Please Watch me (Janet Cook) being interviewed on the “Mind Body and Soul Show” on the "Building a Positive Network and Spread Consciousness show with host Steve Toth this Friday, November 11th at 9:30 PM EASTERN – 7:30 PM MOUNTAIN on Real Coaching Radio-TV Network, call in, chat and interact with us in the Live studio at

Monday, October 31, 2011

Featured on 'Mind Body and Soul Show' for Friday, Nov 11th at 9:30 PM Eastern

I am really excited to be on the 'Mind Body and Soul Show' for Friday, Nov 11th at 9:30 PM Eastern via skype to talk about the work I do as a Rubenfeld Synergist. 

For those of you who have been curious and wanted to know more this would be an excellent opportunity to tune in and listen.

Visit or

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

VAST Wellness Integrative Health PTSD Program

Congratulations on taking that first step towards recovery! Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in various forms, can keep you from living the life you want, searching for someone to help partner with you on that journey towards wholeness is an all important first step. You will experience a safe place to explore the intricacies of your story, a place where you can begin to let down your guard and enter into the deeper places in your soul.  Through working together, we will form a therapeutic alliance where, together, we will work through your life concerns.
I joined a group of Complementary and Holistic Counselors Practitioners from the Vast Wellness Center, where our objective is to provide each client with an option to experience healing as a “whole body” approach, where every aspect of the client whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual will be taken into account.
Our group will help guide each client in actively taking a path of learning, understanding, and discovering the healing that takes place in their bodies by treating the “whole person”.

In our sessions together, I will help you to build a relationship with your body so that you will understand what your body wants to reveal to you.

These sessions through this program are deeply discounted.

For more information, please visit: or

VAST Wellness Integrative Health Cancer Program

A cancer diagnosis brings new feelings and experiences, and as a practitioner I help people work through these aspects of a cancer diagnosis.  I understand that there are many aspects of a person’s life that contribute to his or her cancer experience, such as a person’s ethnicity, spirituality, and family situation, and that cancer affects each person in a different way.  Talking with a professional who has helped other people manage similar situations may help a person find ways to improve his or her quality of life, manage fears, and find hope.
I joined a group of Complementary and Holistic Counselors Practitioners from the Vast Wellness Center, where our objective is to provide each client with an option to experience healing as a “whole body” approach, where every aspect of the client whether it is physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual will be taken into account.
Our group will help guide each client in actively taking a path of learning, understanding, and discovering the healing that takes place in their bodies by treating the “whole person”.
In our sessions together, I will help you to build a relationship with your body so that you will understand what your body wants to reveal to you.
These sessions through this program are deeply discounted.
For more information, visit or

Monday, September 19, 2011

Your Body is Your Clay Home?

A Reading from ANAM CARA by John O’Donohue
talks about how our body is our clay home, our body is the only home that we have in this lifetime.  It is in and through our body that our soul becomes visible and real for us.  So our body is our home of our soul while we are here on earth.

….our body is a sacred threshold and it deserves to be respected, minded and understood in its spiritual nature  ‘Your body knows you very intimately- it is aware of your whole spirit ..Far sooner than your mind knows..(your body knows.). The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed  surface of our external lives.’

Do you listen to your inner voice of your body or do you ignore the pain and stress in your life.  You body is a container of your life and what you have gone through.  How is your body coping with what is happening in your life?  Are you in pain either physical or emotional?

Our body registers the pain of trauma- In the mind trauma is a disturbance.  Trauma is a full body experience and a full mind disturbance whether it be a small or a large T trauma.

As we learn the difference between the body’s language and the mind’s language, it helps us to know and respond to the bodymind’s language, which helps you to navigate through the emotional and spiritual territory of our lives.  The body mind's language is one of true experience (what really happened to or with a person), out of which grows the emotional and spiritual aspect of oneself.

I can help you to learn to understand and listen to your body's language using a beautiful healing therapy known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method.  I help individuals move through difficult emotional times in their lives and provide a safe, supportive, and listening environment where healing can take place.

Visit or for more information.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Listen to the Whisperers of Your Body so that it does not have to Scream at YOU

It has been awhile since blogging about my passion on Rubenfeld Synergy.
It has been several years since I started into the 4-year training for Rubenfeld Synergy Method and graduated.  I remember a very good friend of mine, who graduated and was building her private Rubenfeld Synergy practice told me that I would change - that if I would look back on the photos submitted with my application, I would not be the same person.  It kind of scared me at first, but then I was curious what did that mean?  Would I change that much that I would fall out of love for my husband, my hobbies?  I now look at the picture and in awe that it is true - when you start down the path of listening to your body, moving through the world listening to your body, your life does change and so do you.  And my life is beautiful!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

OMEGA INSTITUTE presents:Introduction to the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®


Introduction to the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®

Freeing the Body from Emotional Weight

With Noël Wight & Joe Weldon

Do you have headaches, a collapsed chest, an aching back, or cold feet? These are all common symptoms of emotions locked in the body due to the stress of daily living.

Emotional weight is the enemy of a free-moving body and it can manifest in many ways. Come discover how to listen to your body, locate where emotional weight is lurking, and begin to free it using the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, a powerful, holistic system integrating body, mind, emotion, and spirit.

Joe Weldon and Noël Wight, co directors of the Rubenfeld Synergy Training Institute and master teachers of the method, create a light-hearted safe space where you learn how to combine touching, talking, and listening to your body to contact and express the emotions it contains and accelerate the process of positive change.

Aches and pains begin to fall away through loving presence and mindful application of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, and you return home feeling lighter, taller, and freer to express yourself.

Mental health professionals gain information they can use with clients as well as themselves. CEUs granted

June 10 -12, 2011

Tuition: $270.00

To register:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Live Interview with Noel Wight on Rubenfeld Synergy

Noel Wight, Co-Director of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method Training Program was interviewed on Life Improvement Radio.

Use the below link to listen to this exciting interview about Rubenfeld Synergy.

For more information, visit or

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

FREE Introductory Teleconferences for the New Training Program For Rubenfeld Synergy

Our free Teleconference Class is designed to introduce you to the Rubenfeld Synergy Training Institute (RSTI). It will help you make informed decisions about your training and your future in learning about listening touch and its impact on the healing process.

Topics Covered

During the call you can expect to learn more about:

* All the programs currently being offered
* An in-depth description of what is included in each of our programs
* How long it takes to complete each program and what is involved in taking classes
* Program costs
* Benefits of receiving training through the RSTI

This Q&A class will answer all your questions about training to become a Synergist and help you determine which of our programs is right for you, right now.

Scheduled teleclasses:

* January 25, 2011 at 7:00 PM
* February 23, 2011 at 8:00 PM
* March 14, 2011 at 7:30 PM
* April 6, 2011 at 7:30 PM

For more information or register for a teleconference at:

Monday, January 10, 2011

Becoming Real through Rubenfeld Synergy

What is it like to be real? Have you ever experienced being real in your daily life? And how would being real change your life? And how by listening to the whispers of your body will help you to be real and in the present moment?

Like many, I have struggled most of my life with not being real in who I am. I learned to survive by withholding what feels real. When events happen – when someone says or does something that hurts me – I have learned in my life to absorb the hit and pretend that nothing has changed, that everything is the same. But when I did this, my energy was used up in pretending that nothing has happened and my body started to scream.

My body would scream to me through pain, emotional release, or upset stomach when I was suppressing what I was really feeling and could not express it in various life situations. When I learn to listen to my body’s story through Rubenfeld Synergy, I was able to experience a taste of being real. My body did not hurt, I felt comfortable to speak my truth, and it supported me as I moved through my daily life in various life experiences. When you listen to your body, it is unlike anything else you can imagine. How we move through life is based on our emotional experiences and how our body responded to it.

After embodying listening to my body in my daily life through Rubenfeld Synergy sessions, I have realized it is so simply and yet so brave to say that we are hurt when we are hurt, that we are sad when we are sad, that we are scared when we are scared. In our direct and daily ways, the energy of realness changes situations because the immediate expression of our truth feels right in my body.

When you experience a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will learn and be guided to bring your awareness to yourself and your body, be invited to listen, and enter into a dialogue with your body or a part of your body. Through this dialogue, you will be supported and able to listen as you learn to unlock emotions and feelings trapped in your body. Only by becoming aware of these emotions, then expressing and feeling them fully can you understand your behavior and how it may be limiting your life in being real. Getting in touch with your body and discovering the world of being real would be the turning point of your healing.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a safe, supportive, healing and body-mind approach to listen to your body’s truth. Our bodies and brains house all of our life’s experiences. We may not be able to remember them but they are imprinted in our unconscious. The first step to change is to be aware. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will become aware; learn how to move in the world by listening to your body and experience and honoring a life of being real.

What holds you back from being real?

Visit or for more information.