Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Time flys by

Wow, it is already the middle of February - what have I been doing these past couple of months? I just attended an accelerated nursing assistant course and graduated at the end of January. I am in the process of practicing for my state board test next week.

Why did I take this course? I thought it would be a great compliment to experience the world of western medicine as we know it. For example, I did my clinical's in a nursing home only to notice that when a client had constipation, instead of considering using prune juice, a pill was delivered. I am not saying this was the wrong approach, it just raises my curiosity of using a natural approach.

I am presently putting together a program for individuals with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which will combine a Rubenfeld Synergy Session (holistic body-mind experience) and traditional counseling as support. I am very excited about this. One of the counseling in the Vast Wellness Center will be teaming up with me to provide such a program.

Please check both and for more information as it comes available.