Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Revealing Who You Are Through Rubenfeld Synergy

No bird can fly without opening its wings.  It is the oldest of inner laws, as inescapable as gravity.  There is no chance of lifting into any space larger than yourself without revealing the parts you hold closest to your chest.

Any time you hesitate revealing, who you are, picture yourself as a bird perched on a roof, wings tucked at your sides.  To move through life without opening, it is to jump off that roof without spreading your wings.

What limits us from opening and spreading our wings - could be fear - as it limits what we do.  Could be awareness as it is the first step in change, without this, no change will take place.

Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will be able to listen to your body and know your inner self and discover why you are unable to open and spread your wings in a safe, supportive, healing environment.  Our body has a language and you will learn how to understand what your body is trying to tell you.  In a session, we explore memories and emotions which are stored in our bodies.  Rubenfeld Synergy utilizes talk, movement, awareness, imagination, humor, and compassionate touch as gateways in contacting and melting frozen tensions and emotions, freeing the body from pain, and the mind from suffering. 

Through talk and touch duets allows you to "hear" the nonverbal messages of your body. 

Do you know who you truly are?  What is stopping you from finding out?  What are you afraid of?  Are you happy?  What is preventing you from moving forward in your life? 

Let me know what you think and I'll respond what my sense is.

For more information, please visit or

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Coming To Terms through Rubenfeld Synergy

One of the great contributions of psychology has been to help us understand how we replay our hurts and affections with people other than those who have hurt or touched us.  There are many names for this, the more well-known being "projection" and "transference".  In essence, we play what has been said or done, or what hasn't been said or done, over, and over, until we think we come to terms with it. 

Our body holds our life's story - the trauma that we have experienced from various aspects of our life.  It is emotional content that we hold in our bodies, sometimes we hold it in our stomach, our shoulders, or somewhere else that we are not conscious of. 

Through Rubenfeld Synergy's listening touch it offers you a powerful tool to access and acknowledge those feelings and images that have been hidden in the body for years, creating tension, pain and distorted perceptions. Repressed tears, anger, grief, and much else may be re-experienced and released during a session, offering freedom for new ways of being.

My own experience of having Rubenfeld Synergy sessions has been life changing for me.  For many years, I got up early each morning about 1:30 am and found myself cleaning the kitchen, wiping off counter tops, making sure all the dishes were done, and the kitchen was spotless.  It was not until I started my personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I became aware of this pattern.  The habit of getting up early each morning at 1:30 a.m. was linked to a tragic childhood that I was subjected to.  Through working with my personal Rubenfeld Synergist, I was able to become aware of the emotional content that I held in my body, to heal and to release the emotional trauma that I held in my body.  I am now in a place that I feel lighter in my body, feel safe, and I love who I truly am.

Please let me know what you think of this.  Do you find value in what I am writing about.  It will help to guide me further.

Please visit or for more information.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

We Have A Choice - Heal Through Rubenfeld Synergy

With each day, we have this choice: we can build walls, block ourselves from the light, and suffer a dampness in the soul.  Or we can live barely, shine on through, and suffer the nicks of erosion for living in the open.

Most of us live behind walls that were started by others and finished by ourselves.  Very often, we fear each other without reason - the wall builders and those who shine on through.  But it really comes down to how to make it through life - safely or fully.  What I've learned is that the more I risk being who I am - like a sun daring to shine - the thinner the walls need to be outside of me.

As we move through life, there were times when walls were necessary, but more often we can protect ourselves by being who we are.  Neither hiding nor revealing ourselves will prevent our share of pain we hold in our body but through Rubenfeld Synergy you will learn how to be comfortable and feel safe on who you truly are. 

Your body holds your life story.  Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to the wisdom of your body and become aware of what and how many walls you hold in your life.  With each session, Rubenfeld Synergy helps you to become aware of  those walls, habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering you to make concrete improvements in your daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows you to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone.

For more information, visit or