Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Your body believes every word you say - Listen through Rubenfeld Synergy

Have you listen lately to the whispers of your throat? What would it say?

Your throat is vital in helping you communicate with the world. The throat contains your voice box, which manipulates the pitch and volume of your voice.

Take a moment, close your eyes, and notice your throat. What are you aware of? Do you ever feel a lump in your throat when you speak to a certain individual? What would it be like to give that lump a voice and hear what it would tell you?

When you experience a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will learn and be guided to bring your awareness to your throat, be invited to listen, and enter into a dialogue with this area. Through this dialogue, you will be supported and able to listen as you learn to unlock emotions and feelings trapped in your throat. Only by becoming aware of these emotions, then expressing and feeling them fully can you understand your behavior and how it may be limiting your life. Getting in touch with your body and discovering what the lump in your throat represents would be the turning point of your healing.

Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a safe, supportive, healing and body-mind approach to listen to your body’s truth. Our bodies and brains house all of our life’s experiences. We may not be able to remember them but they are imprinted in our unconscious. The first step to change is to be aware. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will become aware and learn how to move in the world by listening to your body.

What can you not say in life? What holds you back from speaking your truth?

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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Listen to the Whispers of Your Heart Through Rubenfeld Synergy

Your body is a wealth of knowledge and a truth teller.  Have you listen lately to the whispers of your heart?  What would it say?  Is your heart thankful?  Is your heart heartless?  Do you have an opened heart?

Our heart is where the beauty of the human spirit comes alive.  It is a great gift to feel. When we feel for someone, you become united with that person in an intimate way.  Feeling is the secret bridge that penetrates solitude and isolation.

In a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will be guided to bring your awareness to your heart and asked what do you notice, not judge but notice.  You may become aware of a shield over your heart, notice what texture is the shield, how thick is the shield, and is there a color that you become aware of.  Through this guidance, your body will reveal a metaphor of what may be happening in your life.  A metaphor could be the shield protects my heart from being hurt and not feeling the pain.

What would it be like to imagine living a live through love, with an opened heart and free spirit. The first step to take is to  Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, you will learn how to listen to your heart, be guided on how to see all that is beautiful, experience a life that shines a way into moving through life listening to your heart and body in a safe, healing environment.

Visit or to get more information.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Listen to the Whispers of your Body Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method

Listen to the whispers of your body so it does not have to scream at you. 

The emotional patterns of our lives are very strong.  They often come into being because we've needed them to survive.  But sooner or later, we arrive at moments where the very thing that has served us is killing us, keeping us from truly living.  Being invisible once kept us from being hurt, but now we are vanishing. Or listening once kept us in relation but now we are drowning in our unheard cries.

How do you listen to your unheard emotional cries?  Can you learn how to truly listen and identify your emotional patterns in your life?  Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, a client learns how to listen to their body and become aware of the difference between body's language and the mind's language.  Our body holds our life's story.  The body knows emotional well-being -- the mind knows trying to make the being well.

Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies.  Sometimes these "holdings" can show up as aches, pains, and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained, and physically disconnected.  These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us.  When we ignore these "messages", stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body.

Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, clients can begin to make sense of their lives, because we are dialoguing with their senses and soma and begin the healing process.

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