It has been awhile since blogging about my passion on Rubenfeld Synergy.
It has been several years since I started into the 4-year training for Rubenfeld Synergy Method and graduated. I remember a very good friend of mine, who graduated and was building her private Rubenfeld Synergy practice told me that I would change - that if I would look back on the photos submitted with my application, I would not be the same person. It kind of scared me at first, but then I was curious what did that mean? Would I change that much that I would fall out of love for my husband, my hobbies? I now look at the picture and in awe that it is true - when you start down the path of listening to your body, moving through the world listening to your body, your life does change and so do you. And my life is beautiful!
Experience a healing therapy in your body known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you”.