Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rubenfeld Synergy - A Talk with the Founder Ilana Rubenfeld on Blog Talk Radio

Please take a few minutes to listen to Ilana describe this powerful body-mind healing therapy we would all benefit from in our daily lives.

For more information, visit my website at or

Monday, September 19, 2011

Your Body is Your Clay Home?

A Reading from ANAM CARA by John O’Donohue
talks about how our body is our clay home, our body is the only home that we have in this lifetime.  It is in and through our body that our soul becomes visible and real for us.  So our body is our home of our soul while we are here on earth.

….our body is a sacred threshold and it deserves to be respected, minded and understood in its spiritual nature  ‘Your body knows you very intimately- it is aware of your whole spirit ..Far sooner than your mind knows..(your body knows.). The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed  surface of our external lives.’

Do you listen to your inner voice of your body or do you ignore the pain and stress in your life.  You body is a container of your life and what you have gone through.  How is your body coping with what is happening in your life?  Are you in pain either physical or emotional?

Our body registers the pain of trauma- In the mind trauma is a disturbance.  Trauma is a full body experience and a full mind disturbance whether it be a small or a large T trauma.

As we learn the difference between the body’s language and the mind’s language, it helps us to know and respond to the bodymind’s language, which helps you to navigate through the emotional and spiritual territory of our lives.  The body mind's language is one of true experience (what really happened to or with a person), out of which grows the emotional and spiritual aspect of oneself.

I can help you to learn to understand and listen to your body's language using a beautiful healing therapy known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method.  I help individuals move through difficult emotional times in their lives and provide a safe, supportive, and listening environment where healing can take place.

Visit or for more information.