Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Listen to Your Body and Reduce Stress

Listen to Your Body and Reduce Stress with The Seven Steps of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®

Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies. Sometimes these ‘holdings’ can show up as aches, pains and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected. These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us. When we ignore these ‘messages’, stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as disease.

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method helps us to listen to the body using a combination of touch and talk. Through listening we become aware of habitual patterns and tensions. We can then make new choices, transform old patterns, relieve stress and bring tangible improvements to our daily lives.

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is gentle and powerful and can lead to experiences of deep wellbeing, emotional connection and self-discovery.

Listed below are steps that Rubenfeld Synergists® may use when guiding clients to listen to their bodies. This is a process grounded in deep respect, openness and understanding. We encourage you to take this approach as you listen to your body.

The Seven Steps:

1. Be Curious-The word ‘curious’ comes from the same root word as ‘cure’ meaning to care for and pay attention to. Being genuinely curious instead of judgmental (e.g., “What’s wrong with me?”) promotes a caring relationship with your body and your being. As you listen to your body with care and curiosity (e.g., “What are you trying to tell me?”) you open the door to not only knowing your physical self, but also your emotional, mental and spiritual self.

2. Notice-The body has a language of its own. Often we ignore our body and only begin to listen when we feel tension, aches and pains. This is the body’s way of getting our attention. The body experiences and expresses numerous sensations both painful and pleasurable. It is important to notice both.

Close your eyes internally scan your body and notice where you are drawn to. What place is calling out for your attention in this moment? Is it your heart, shoulder, back, big toe, etc.? Each of these places has a message for you.

3. Touch-Gently make contact with the place in your body that is calling to you. Touch focuses your attention and heightens your awareness. If you cannot reach the place that is calling to you, imagine placing you hand there.

4. Describe-Using your senses describe what you are experiencing. Does this place feel heavy, tight, hard, soft, warm, compressed, etc.? Expand on the sensation by using metaphor. Example: “The heaviness across my chest feels like a steel plate pressing down on me.” Or “The warmth in my hip feels like a ray of sunshine radiating down my leg.”

5. Give Your Body a ‘Voice’-Imagine that this place could speak. What message does it have for you? Let this place speak in the “I”. Using the example of the hip given in Step #4, the hip might say, “I want to shine.”

6. Allow-Allow any feelings to emerge. E-motion is energy in motion, like a river it needs to flow. Use your breath to support the flow. When you continually suppress an emotion it can show up as aches, pain and tension in the body. For example, someone suppressing tears may experience a ‘lump’ in the throat. Another person may clench the jaw to suppress anger. If your emotions feel too intense, you may need to consider working with a Synergist, therapist or counselor.

7. Honor Your Experience with Love and Respect-The body speaks the truth, it does not lie. We can easily disregard, discount and/or diminish our experience. Appreciate your body for the wisdom it has given you. Be gentle and kind to yourself.

To find out more about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method visit or

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