Pain is often a sign that something has to change. Our hearts and bodies often give us a message we fail to pay attention to. Ironically, we are all so aware of pain, can hardly ignore it, but we rarely hear what it has to say. It is true that we may need to withstand great pain, great heartache, great disappointment, and loss in order to unfold into the rest of our life. But our pain may also be showing us exactly where we need to change.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to your body, your pain, your heartache, your body's story, and importantly, what needs to be heard.
It is a very safe, gentle, supportive approach to become aware of what your body needs to say and what you need to hear.
To experience Rubenfeld Synergy will be a life changing experience - it is very different to move through life listening to your body rather than your head. Your body is your alia, it will help you to make decisions, it will assist you in becoming more aware of the emotional content that you hold or suppress in your body. When you release emotional stories, you feel lighter, happier, and know you are in a better place.
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Experience a healing therapy in your body known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you”.
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