Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Last week at our Open House at the VAST Wellness Center, I performed two body-mind demostrations to about 25 individuals. It was great to witness individuals as they went on their journey listening to their bodies and what place in their bodies called to them.

This is a great time to experience the work in your life. Have you ever had a knot in your stomach or your shoulders and upper back felt stiff and rigid. This is how your body communicate with you. Trying to get your attention - it maybe holding something you need to know, or an event that you never healed from.

I love this work - it is so powerful in helping us to heal from life's wounds.

Until next time!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

This week I talked with one of my synergy sisters from Santa Fe, NM about how each of our practices are going. We talked about "being of service" in an effort to get the word out about Rubenfeld Synergy. I have never heard of this before but what it means is giving free tips or tools to individuals in supporting their life. Interesting concept.

I am getting ready for our open house at Vast Wellness Center that we will be doing next month on December 9th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. This is an excellent opportunity to meet myself and others. I will be doing a couple of body-mind demos during the evening.

During the holidays is where some people experience questioning of where they are in their lives, how their live could be better, and some emotional material may surface. Experiencing Rubenfeld Synergy in your life is an excellent tool for supporting you where you are and where you are going. I know this first hand as I was being laid last year from my corporate job. Rubenfeld Synergy helped me deal with stress, anxiety, and bought calmness to my life. I learned how to "be with" fear rather than having fear take over my life.

When you are ready for a change, you will know it - no one has to tell you - you will be willing to do what it takes to move on.

Until next time!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Wow, how time just flys by so fast - since my last posting, I have introduced several individuals through a free consultation session on Rubenfeld Synergy. It is so interesting to witness how each person has an experience such as noticing how their body feels like heavy in one area, feel their feet more on the ground, or becoming aware of pressure held in the body.

I find trying to explain the power of this work is somewhat hard but to experience the work is much easier to understand.

I continue to work on building my practice. There will be an open house at the Vast Wellness Center on Wednesday, December 9th where I have my office. I will be doing a couple of body-mind exercises as demo's and look forward to meeting everyone.

So come join us. Until next time!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The last few weeks I have been updating my web site and developed a new brochure about visual imagery and reiki, which I have posted on my body whisperer web site.

I continue to build my practice, which I so strongly beleive in and see how powerful the work is in my own life and my clients.

Last year, I developed a program where I mentored my management staff for about a year prior to leaving the corporate world. I am seeing the results of the seeds that were planted. I used creative and innovated methods in tying the pieces of management and personal growth together. I incorporated Rubenfeld Synergy skills into this program. I have witnessed my management team stepping out of the box, taking bold steps in their lifes and importantly, following and listening to their hearts.

Until next time!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

I just finished conducting a 4 week body-mind exercise class. The participants enjoyed the class and the experience of what they notice within their body. I am planning for my next class starting 10/14.

I continue to build my practice and have realized I need to educate individuals and explain what I could offer them in my practice. I find it an interesting journey as I am learning what steps to take.

I personally am in awe of this work as it has changed my life. As I heard in my last post graduate training, we are the authors of our own life. It is us who makes the decision on what to do, when to do it, and what the outcome is. Using our body as a resource by truly listening to its story is life-changing.

I will continue to ponder what more I can do to get the word out on this powerful work.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learning continues

To deepen the work and to learn more, I just attended a weekend of post graduate training back east. It was great to connect with many of my class mates, to learn and reinforce new moves to use within a clients session, and to interact with like minded individuals.

I came away with the desire to know more about me, what I want to attract in a client, the type of individuals I would love to work with as I love to explore and discover. I have to flesh this out to become more clearer and focused. Then those individuals who are in the phase of discovery, exploring, and being curious would be attracted to what I do.

More to continue!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Journey Continues

Wow, summer is gone!

What do I love about the work of Rubenfeld Synergy - I witness transformation in individuals who have experienced the work. You ask - what does transformation mean? Transformation in the form of clients becoming aware of habitual patterns in their life, issues in their life where they are more clear about how they feel, what needs to be met, and importantly, the healing that takes place in their body and life to move on to their next step.

You have to experience the work to understand the concept. This work is a very powerful BodyMind Therapy.

If you like to try a session, I offer a complimentary session - just call me and we'll schedule it.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

My journey continues

Before I knew it, I was graduating as a Certfied Rubenfeld Synergist. I could not beleive it that 4 years had past and I was at this threshold of my life. It was a highlight of my life with my fellow Ruby Synergist Sisters, all of us graduating together. Now that I had graduated, I knew my passion was to do this work. I was still working at my corporate job which brought in a great living even though I felt in my body that this job had outlived itself with me. But like many people, I continued to work in the corporate world hoping one day I could live my dream of building my own Rubenfeld Synergy practice. Remember the old saying "be careful of what you wish for - it may come true" or if you put it out there to the universe - it may come true. It wasnt' too much longer where I could see the writing on the wall concerning my corporate job that I may not be working too much longer. I continued to have my personal rubenfeld sessions which was a support to me through the transistion I was about to take. So I started to consider and prepare myself for the transition that I could sense in the air. How did I do that? By looking at my work that I was doing in corporate - was I happy? could I survive being on my own? how did I know I would? I did have a deep feeling within that everything would be alright even though I could not see the destination. So I got laid off from my corporate job.
More to continue

Saturday, August 15, 2009

My experience in Rubenfeld Training

Looking back on my 4 years of training in Rubenfeld Method Synergy (which is will call RSM) it was the most liberating, creative, imaginative, and freeing type of training I have ever experienced in my life. What may all of this was the format of the training, very relaxed and yet intense. Part of the training was the requirement to have 20 personal sessions of Rubenfeld Training so you are both experiencing the work plus working your life story. I must of cried the first 3 years of training through this process. I would have my personal RSM sessions in the morning then attend body mind movement classes for 2 hours each day of training. It seemed I cried from the moment I laid down on the floor until the class was done. The emotions just poured from my body from the very first time I experienced this work. I remember being told that I would not look like the same person upon entering the training. In fact, a picture was required for the application. It was true, I did not look like the same person nor was I that same person. There was a tremendous amount of healing that took place through the training and still continues today.

More to come.....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My journey to alternative health

After my first session with Rubenfeld Synergy Method, which I will call RSM, it was a life changing moment for me. I felt lighter, different in a way I can't describe in words, and knew this work was powerful and I wanted more.

So I submitted my application to the 4 year training program and was accepted. This meant a hugh committment on my part as I would have to travel at least 6 times a year for training plus eventually have practice clients. I was living in Mississippi at the time and would commute to upper New York at Omega Campus for Holistic Studies - if you haven't been there - you have to experience it - for me it was like going back into the 60's.

more to come next time

Monday, August 10, 2009

how I was introduced to Rubenfeld Synergy

In 2002, I went to visit my friend Joan in Buffalo NY for a weekend. I knew Joan was doing some kind of training in a body mind method but didn't have a clue what it was about. So on Saturday night, in her living room with a warm beautiful fire burning, she asked if I would like to try a session. I said yes not knowing what was going to happen nor even knowing what exactly she was training in. I got onto a massage table, of course with my clothes on, and just laid down. What I rememeber today is that was a life changing moment in my life. It seemed like I was only on the table for 5 minutes, when in fact, I was on the table at least 40 minutes before the session was over. As I laid on the table, I seemed to go inside, feeling relaxed and as if I went into a trance or something, and just listening to Joan guiding my journey. I found myself re-living a moment in time some 30 years ago, when I was in a horrible car accident, feeling the shock and emotion that was associated with this event. Since the time of this accident, I had a pain in my left hip and would notice it frequently throughout my life especially when shifting gears in my car. Funny, I felt very safe while re-living this horror. I immediately felt a huge area of emotion moving from the bottom of feet up through my body. I tried to stop it and could not. It did not hurt just that it felt so different of an experience. My felt a huge release as if I released alot of air in my body.

Since the time of that session in 2002, the pain has disappeared and I am convinced now that the emotion and shock of that event was held in my body in my left hip and released in that session.

More to come on my journey in Rubenfeld Synergy!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My first blog

Well, this is really new to me. I have been told by many of my friends to start a blog on my web site - so here goes.

I am really curious for feedback on what your impression is of my web site - what draws you to it - what is not clearly explained on site about what I do as a Rubenfeld Synergist.

I plan on blogging about my experience on how I got into this work. But I first would like to hear from you on what you think.

Thanks, Janet