Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Monday, August 10, 2009

how I was introduced to Rubenfeld Synergy

In 2002, I went to visit my friend Joan in Buffalo NY for a weekend. I knew Joan was doing some kind of training in a body mind method but didn't have a clue what it was about. So on Saturday night, in her living room with a warm beautiful fire burning, she asked if I would like to try a session. I said yes not knowing what was going to happen nor even knowing what exactly she was training in. I got onto a massage table, of course with my clothes on, and just laid down. What I rememeber today is that was a life changing moment in my life. It seemed like I was only on the table for 5 minutes, when in fact, I was on the table at least 40 minutes before the session was over. As I laid on the table, I seemed to go inside, feeling relaxed and as if I went into a trance or something, and just listening to Joan guiding my journey. I found myself re-living a moment in time some 30 years ago, when I was in a horrible car accident, feeling the shock and emotion that was associated with this event. Since the time of this accident, I had a pain in my left hip and would notice it frequently throughout my life especially when shifting gears in my car. Funny, I felt very safe while re-living this horror. I immediately felt a huge area of emotion moving from the bottom of feet up through my body. I tried to stop it and could not. It did not hurt just that it felt so different of an experience. My felt a huge release as if I released alot of air in my body.

Since the time of that session in 2002, the pain has disappeared and I am convinced now that the emotion and shock of that event was held in my body in my left hip and released in that session.

More to come on my journey in Rubenfeld Synergy!

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