Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Who Is That Pain In Your Neck? Listening to Your Body’s Messages - RUBENFELD SYNERGY METHOD®


Who Is That Pain In Your Neck?

Listening to Your Body’s Messages
Who can forget the old song, “I gotta wash that man right outta my hair”? Well, believe it or not, sometimes a painful break-up, a job lay-off, even an old memory from childhood can leave messy traces of emotional residue in or on the body; and it takes a little more than shampoo to get rid of it! Today’s fast paced society might rely on catchy quick-fix slogans like, “Get over yourself!”, “No pain, no gain!”, or “He’s just not that into you!” But often uncomfortable experiences (especially those involving grief, sadness, confusion, betrayal, abandonment, unworthiness or anger) get swept under the rug, only to resurface disguised as physical “dis-ease”. Even the most successful, confident, well-adjusted people encounter life experiences that leave them with unresolved feelings which sometimes masquerade as conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, insomnia, even tennis elbow!

Understanding this hidden link between what happens in the mind and what shows up in the body is the beauty behind a groundbreaking therapeutic healing technique called the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®. Developed by Ilana Rubenfeld in 1977, Rubenfeld Synergy is one of the most effective solutions for addressing stress, trauma, anxiety, tension and discomfort. It is a proven method that incorporates light touch with guided dialogue in a way that allows the body the freedom to uncover the sources of physical stress and discomfort. The results include accessing and releasing hidden physical/emotional tension stored in the body and restoring and maintaining health and wellbeing.

When Kay* discovered the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, her goal was just to address the feeling of neck and back strain that was causing her sleepless nights. Her grandmother had been arthritic, and experienced achy muscles, but Kay had a “gut feeling” that this was more than just a sign of getting older. Kay had some prior experiences with massage, Reiki, and other forms of bodywork, but was pleasantly surprised by what she discovered with Rubenfeld Synergy. Kay says, “I tried everything to deal with this problem. Then I found out after a few Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I didn’t need any more rubs, herbs, pills or potions to get rid of my aches. I just needed help hearing what was inside me. I was looking for what was physically wrong with me. But who knew that the heated arguments I had been having with an old boyfriend had literally become ‘a pain in my neck’! On the outside, I seemed fine, but on the inside I honestly did feel like I was ‘stabbed in the back’. Understanding this connection made all the difference in the world. It helped me let go of the pain.”

Like so many people who experience the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, Kay was able to feel safe and secure enough to uncover what was beneath the surface of her discomfort. Founder Ilana Rubenfeld explains in her book The Listening Hand, “Emotions and feelings are embedded both in our body and in our brain, and to reach them, we need touch — nonverbal communication — and talk. Through touch you can understand the body's message, and through talk you can understand the brain's, even if the message is "hiding" in the unconscious... I strongly believe that everything — mind and body, thoughts, emotions and feelings, bloodstream and brain, soul and spirit — must be in a state of synergy if we ourselves are to become whole.”

*Client’s name was changed to protect confidentiality

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