Roots and Wings of Rubenfeld Synergy
We are all children of the earth riding the wind. This became a reality the moment we stood upright. From this position, through our hips and our feet our bodies take root on the ground. We are not planted. We are step creatures, always moving and contemplating the next step. Sometimes we give ourselves the next step, sometimes we are taken. The hips are always swaying to keep in time with the turning of the earth. When the hips lose their ability to sway or to be swayed, life feels dead. We don’t feel the ground. From the hips down to our feet, the body reaches to the earth looking for its support. The connection to the earth allows the upper body to fly.
In this upright position, we fly. We fly as humans fly. This means we can align our spines to reach, resonate, and recoil. In this body flight will not happen without roots and roots will not happen without flight. They need each other. This flight we speak of today as we already said is human flight. We are lifted into the atmosphere by the alignment and natural curvature of our spines. It is not the flight or fight or flight which is really running away in body terms. It is the flight of lifting off into our length, which houses our longings and sense of a soaring spirit. It is as if the spine and shoulders are instruments of light, soaring and turning in the airwaves. The four curves in our spine make us aerodynamic and allow us to lift up even with great burden on us. Our shoulders are like the wings that allow us to float freely in the air, our head and neck the navigational gear that orients us in time and space.
At some point in each of our lives, we are thrown an unexpected curve that lands in our spine and disrupts our flying. In these moments the spine is dealing with an unnatural curve. One put there by the world. Usually the unexpected curve is one of pain, trauma, guilt, or shame. We could make a list of all the unexpected curves we have experienced. The unexpected curves of trauma take us out of roots. We become up in the air with no ability to fly. We are then moved by weather patterns whatever way the wind blows. This is also known as being dominated by our feelings. We do things or don’t do things just because we feel like it.
The unexpected curve was the learning curve for Ilana Rubenfeld, responsible for the founding of this work. The pain in her back took away Ilana’s flight into the musical sky. When her back hurt she lost her wings. Her brilliant discovery was that in order to have wings again, she had to know, experience and express the thoughts, emotions, and spirit along in the body of her crashing. Her story is the underpinning of all we do in RSM. WE reinvigorate movement. The body is looking for movement, for the restoration of movement. Ilana wanted her movement back. Movement is most important to the body. The mind is interested in meaning. When we put the mind and body together we have meaningful movement. For most of us an unexpected curve tends to cut us in half leaving our feet with no flight and flight with no feet. In human flight, this is called crashing to the ground whether it is collapse or falling over.
In RSM, we help a person to get their feet back under their heart. When our feet are back solidly under our hearts we become givers instead of seekers. The natural rhythm and ability of the body to give and receive is restored. This is what is important about having our roots and wings. It allows us to reach and receive simultaneously. It brings touch and talk together, tapping the root of our work and our existence --- THE BODY!
The body is the root of our work. The roots are different than the underpinnings. The underpinnings of RSM are Alexander, Feldenkrais, Rubenfeld touch, and Rubenfeld talk. The foundation of our life, the place where we are found is in the body. When we dialogue with the body we tap the roots of our existence. It is the place we root from, searching for nutrients and cheering ourselves on.
The body reveals a treatment plan. It tells us how a person needs to be treated and what would feel like a treat. The body tells us when the heart is in the stomach, and that is needs to be put back in the chest. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a neck. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a turning radius. The body tells us about our ability to reach or recoil. The body tells us about a spinal cord that has lost its harmony. It tells us the tale of its life by how it moves its tailbone. The body is the root our work. We constantly tap it trust it touch it and treat it.
We give a person their neck back. We rewire the nervous system. We help a person to lengthen to lighten. We put the heart back into chests and we invite the feet to come under it is support it. We help the body to regain its spine to line up the foraman in each vertebra so that the spinal cord can once again become a spinal cord full of harmony and harmonious resonance. We help the body to regain its natural ability to turn, turn up turn down turn in turn out turn over. Having our turning radius helps us when we don’t know where we are going. We can turn around to make sure we know where we’re coming from. We help the body to move in the direction it needs to move forwards backwards side to side up or down.
Ultimately, what we help a body to do is return to its natural state of giving. This allows the spirit to soar. In its natural state of giving two things happen. The body doesn’t make mistakes, because it is not in a taking mode. It doesn’t mis-take one thing for another. It may have misgivings. The other thing is, it reconnects us with the natural state of receiving. Receiving is the natural true complement to giving. Taking is the false compliments to giving as in give-and-take. Give-and-take is usually dominated by taking. We are a culture of takers. You can hear it in our everyday language. We take time to take a shower, take a seat, take a moment, and take a breath. Let’s do an experiment. Take a breath and notice what happens in your body. Now give yourself a breath and notice what happens in your body. When the body returns to giving and receiving, we hear in the body’s language the roots for flight and flying from a human place. We no longer fly off the handle.
This article was written by Master Synergist Joe Weldon with permission to publish
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Experience a healing therapy in your body known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you”.
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