Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Your Body Speaks - Are You Listening?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage

Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage

The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is not a form of massage therapy. It differs from massage in goals, philosophy, and techniques or method.

Different Goals. The overall goal of Rubenfeld Synergy is psychophysical re-education. RSM assists clients in exploring problems they are experiencing in any area of their functioning, in developing greater awareness on all levels, and in making more satisfactory choices in their way of being. The goals of massage are much more narrow: to enhance the functioning of joints and muscles, to improve circulation and muscle tone, and to relieve mental and physical fatigue.

Different Philosophy. Rubenfeld Synergists see the individual as a whole being with mind, body, emotions, and spirit interrelated and interactive, capable of self-healing, self-regulations, growth, and change. The responsibility for growth and change rests with the client. In contrast, the massage client is completely passive, with the massage therapist responsible for producing results and the focus is on changes in the physical body.

Different Techniques. Rubenfeld Synergy uses gentle, non-intrusive touch with fully clothed clients. Rubenfeld Synergists “listen” with their hands and use intentional touch, movement and talk throughout the session. They frequently use metaphor, imaging, and humor in verbal interactions. As a client identifies an area of concern in his/her life, the Synergist suggests and “experiment” in that moment that is designed to provide an opportunity to re-experience some personal issue or event from a new perspective. This can lead to a new behavior sequence or a new view of an earlier experience.

In specific contrast to massage, the Rubenfeld Synergy client is always fully clothed. RSM uses none of the tools of massage, not hot or cold packs, nor oils or hydrotherapy or aromatherapy, nor any of the techniques such as stroking or kneading or tapping. RSM does not even use its light touch for therapeutic purposes, but only to heighten the client’s awareness. RSM never uses deep tissue manipulation.

In summary, both the purpose and the technique of Rubenfeld Synergy differ so greatly from those of massage, that RSM can not, in any way, be considered a form of massage nor should it come under the regulations that govern massage.

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