Listen to the Whispers of Your Kidneys through Rubenfeld Synergy. The Body is a Reliable Source of Information.
Have you listen lately to the whispers of your kidneys? What would it say?
In traditional Chinese Medicine, emotions and physical health are intimately connected. The Kidneys house the emotion of Fear, either as a sudden fright or a chronic state of anxiety.
Have you experienced fear in your body? Do you know what it feels like? Humans freeze when overwhelming, life-threatening situations overrides any viable possibility of fighting or fleeing.
Your body is a reliable source of information if you listen to it. Do you know how to listen? When your body is in pain, it sends messages to us. Unless we know how to decode and understand these messages, our body may become disabled with dis-ease. You will learn and be guided on how to listen to the whispers of your body through the Rubenfeld Synergy Method.
How would Rubenfeld Synergy help me understand my body’s messages? Experiencing Rubenfeld listening touch offers a powerful tool to access and acknowledge feelings, and images that have been hidden in the body for years, creating tension, pain, and distorted perceptions. Repressed tears, anger, grief, and much else may be re-experienced and released during a session, offering freedom for the new ways of being. Living through listening to your body is like living in another world.
Are you aware of fear in your life? Have you experienced kidney stones, which are tears of emotion? What would those kidney stones reveal about your life? What stops you from learning your body’s story?
Visit or for more information.
Experience a healing therapy in your body known as Rubenfeld Synergy Method. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you”.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Your body believes every word you say - Listen through Rubenfeld Synergy
Have you listen lately to the whispers of your throat? What would it say?
Your throat is vital in helping you communicate with the world. The throat contains your voice box, which manipulates the pitch and volume of your voice.
Take a moment, close your eyes, and notice your throat. What are you aware of? Do you ever feel a lump in your throat when you speak to a certain individual? What would it be like to give that lump a voice and hear what it would tell you?
When you experience a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will learn and be guided to bring your awareness to your throat, be invited to listen, and enter into a dialogue with this area. Through this dialogue, you will be supported and able to listen as you learn to unlock emotions and feelings trapped in your throat. Only by becoming aware of these emotions, then expressing and feeling them fully can you understand your behavior and how it may be limiting your life. Getting in touch with your body and discovering what the lump in your throat represents would be the turning point of your healing.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a safe, supportive, healing and body-mind approach to listen to your body’s truth. Our bodies and brains house all of our life’s experiences. We may not be able to remember them but they are imprinted in our unconscious. The first step to change is to be aware. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will become aware and learn how to move in the world by listening to your body.
What can you not say in life? What holds you back from speaking your truth?
Visit or for more information.
Your throat is vital in helping you communicate with the world. The throat contains your voice box, which manipulates the pitch and volume of your voice.
Take a moment, close your eyes, and notice your throat. What are you aware of? Do you ever feel a lump in your throat when you speak to a certain individual? What would it be like to give that lump a voice and hear what it would tell you?
When you experience a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will learn and be guided to bring your awareness to your throat, be invited to listen, and enter into a dialogue with this area. Through this dialogue, you will be supported and able to listen as you learn to unlock emotions and feelings trapped in your throat. Only by becoming aware of these emotions, then expressing and feeling them fully can you understand your behavior and how it may be limiting your life. Getting in touch with your body and discovering what the lump in your throat represents would be the turning point of your healing.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a safe, supportive, healing and body-mind approach to listen to your body’s truth. Our bodies and brains house all of our life’s experiences. We may not be able to remember them but they are imprinted in our unconscious. The first step to change is to be aware. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will become aware and learn how to move in the world by listening to your body.
What can you not say in life? What holds you back from speaking your truth?
Visit or for more information.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Listen to the Whispers of Your Heart Through Rubenfeld Synergy
Your body is a wealth of knowledge and a truth teller. Have you listen lately to the whispers of your heart? What would it say? Is your heart thankful? Is your heart heartless? Do you have an opened heart?
Our heart is where the beauty of the human spirit comes alive. It is a great gift to feel. When we feel for someone, you become united with that person in an intimate way. Feeling is the secret bridge that penetrates solitude and isolation.
In a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will be guided to bring your awareness to your heart and asked what do you notice, not judge but notice. You may become aware of a shield over your heart, notice what texture is the shield, how thick is the shield, and is there a color that you become aware of. Through this guidance, your body will reveal a metaphor of what may be happening in your life. A metaphor could be the shield protects my heart from being hurt and not feeling the pain.
What would it be like to imagine living a live through love, with an opened heart and free spirit. The first step to take is to Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, you will learn how to listen to your heart, be guided on how to see all that is beautiful, experience a life that shines a way into moving through life listening to your heart and body in a safe, healing environment.
Visit or to get more information.
Our heart is where the beauty of the human spirit comes alive. It is a great gift to feel. When we feel for someone, you become united with that person in an intimate way. Feeling is the secret bridge that penetrates solitude and isolation.
In a Rubenfeld Synergy session, you will be guided to bring your awareness to your heart and asked what do you notice, not judge but notice. You may become aware of a shield over your heart, notice what texture is the shield, how thick is the shield, and is there a color that you become aware of. Through this guidance, your body will reveal a metaphor of what may be happening in your life. A metaphor could be the shield protects my heart from being hurt and not feeling the pain.
What would it be like to imagine living a live through love, with an opened heart and free spirit. The first step to take is to Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, you will learn how to listen to your heart, be guided on how to see all that is beautiful, experience a life that shines a way into moving through life listening to your heart and body in a safe, healing environment.
Visit or to get more information.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Listen to the Whispers of your Body Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method
Listen to the whispers of your body so it does not have to scream at you.
The emotional patterns of our lives are very strong. They often come into being because we've needed them to survive. But sooner or later, we arrive at moments where the very thing that has served us is killing us, keeping us from truly living. Being invisible once kept us from being hurt, but now we are vanishing. Or listening once kept us in relation but now we are drowning in our unheard cries.
How do you listen to your unheard emotional cries? Can you learn how to truly listen and identify your emotional patterns in your life? Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, a client learns how to listen to their body and become aware of the difference between body's language and the mind's language. Our body holds our life's story. The body knows emotional well-being -- the mind knows trying to make the being well.
Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies. Sometimes these "holdings" can show up as aches, pains, and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained, and physically disconnected. These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us. When we ignore these "messages", stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, clients can begin to make sense of their lives, because we are dialoguing with their senses and soma and begin the healing process.
For more information, visit or
The emotional patterns of our lives are very strong. They often come into being because we've needed them to survive. But sooner or later, we arrive at moments where the very thing that has served us is killing us, keeping us from truly living. Being invisible once kept us from being hurt, but now we are vanishing. Or listening once kept us in relation but now we are drowning in our unheard cries.
How do you listen to your unheard emotional cries? Can you learn how to truly listen and identify your emotional patterns in your life? Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, a client learns how to listen to their body and become aware of the difference between body's language and the mind's language. Our body holds our life's story. The body knows emotional well-being -- the mind knows trying to make the being well.
Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies. Sometimes these "holdings" can show up as aches, pains, and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained, and physically disconnected. These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us. When we ignore these "messages", stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as dis-ease in the body.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy Method, clients can begin to make sense of their lives, because we are dialoguing with their senses and soma and begin the healing process.
For more information, visit or
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Revealing Who You Are Through Rubenfeld Synergy
No bird can fly without opening its wings. It is the oldest of inner laws, as inescapable as gravity. There is no chance of lifting into any space larger than yourself without revealing the parts you hold closest to your chest.
Any time you hesitate revealing, who you are, picture yourself as a bird perched on a roof, wings tucked at your sides. To move through life without opening, it is to jump off that roof without spreading your wings.
What limits us from opening and spreading our wings - could be fear - as it limits what we do. Could be awareness as it is the first step in change, without this, no change will take place.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will be able to listen to your body and know your inner self and discover why you are unable to open and spread your wings in a safe, supportive, healing environment. Our body has a language and you will learn how to understand what your body is trying to tell you. In a session, we explore memories and emotions which are stored in our bodies. Rubenfeld Synergy utilizes talk, movement, awareness, imagination, humor, and compassionate touch as gateways in contacting and melting frozen tensions and emotions, freeing the body from pain, and the mind from suffering.
Through talk and touch duets allows you to "hear" the nonverbal messages of your body.
Do you know who you truly are? What is stopping you from finding out? What are you afraid of? Are you happy? What is preventing you from moving forward in your life?
Let me know what you think and I'll respond what my sense is.
For more information, please visit or
Any time you hesitate revealing, who you are, picture yourself as a bird perched on a roof, wings tucked at your sides. To move through life without opening, it is to jump off that roof without spreading your wings.
What limits us from opening and spreading our wings - could be fear - as it limits what we do. Could be awareness as it is the first step in change, without this, no change will take place.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will be able to listen to your body and know your inner self and discover why you are unable to open and spread your wings in a safe, supportive, healing environment. Our body has a language and you will learn how to understand what your body is trying to tell you. In a session, we explore memories and emotions which are stored in our bodies. Rubenfeld Synergy utilizes talk, movement, awareness, imagination, humor, and compassionate touch as gateways in contacting and melting frozen tensions and emotions, freeing the body from pain, and the mind from suffering.
Through talk and touch duets allows you to "hear" the nonverbal messages of your body.
Do you know who you truly are? What is stopping you from finding out? What are you afraid of? Are you happy? What is preventing you from moving forward in your life?
Let me know what you think and I'll respond what my sense is.
For more information, please visit or
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Coming To Terms through Rubenfeld Synergy
One of the great contributions of psychology has been to help us understand how we replay our hurts and affections with people other than those who have hurt or touched us. There are many names for this, the more well-known being "projection" and "transference". In essence, we play what has been said or done, or what hasn't been said or done, over, and over, until we think we come to terms with it.
Our body holds our life's story - the trauma that we have experienced from various aspects of our life. It is emotional content that we hold in our bodies, sometimes we hold it in our stomach, our shoulders, or somewhere else that we are not conscious of.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy's listening touch it offers you a powerful tool to access and acknowledge those feelings and images that have been hidden in the body for years, creating tension, pain and distorted perceptions. Repressed tears, anger, grief, and much else may be re-experienced and released during a session, offering freedom for new ways of being.
My own experience of having Rubenfeld Synergy sessions has been life changing for me. For many years, I got up early each morning about 1:30 am and found myself cleaning the kitchen, wiping off counter tops, making sure all the dishes were done, and the kitchen was spotless. It was not until I started my personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I became aware of this pattern. The habit of getting up early each morning at 1:30 a.m. was linked to a tragic childhood that I was subjected to. Through working with my personal Rubenfeld Synergist, I was able to become aware of the emotional content that I held in my body, to heal and to release the emotional trauma that I held in my body. I am now in a place that I feel lighter in my body, feel safe, and I love who I truly am.
Please let me know what you think of this. Do you find value in what I am writing about. It will help to guide me further.
Please visit or for more information.
Our body holds our life's story - the trauma that we have experienced from various aspects of our life. It is emotional content that we hold in our bodies, sometimes we hold it in our stomach, our shoulders, or somewhere else that we are not conscious of.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy's listening touch it offers you a powerful tool to access and acknowledge those feelings and images that have been hidden in the body for years, creating tension, pain and distorted perceptions. Repressed tears, anger, grief, and much else may be re-experienced and released during a session, offering freedom for new ways of being.
My own experience of having Rubenfeld Synergy sessions has been life changing for me. For many years, I got up early each morning about 1:30 am and found myself cleaning the kitchen, wiping off counter tops, making sure all the dishes were done, and the kitchen was spotless. It was not until I started my personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I became aware of this pattern. The habit of getting up early each morning at 1:30 a.m. was linked to a tragic childhood that I was subjected to. Through working with my personal Rubenfeld Synergist, I was able to become aware of the emotional content that I held in my body, to heal and to release the emotional trauma that I held in my body. I am now in a place that I feel lighter in my body, feel safe, and I love who I truly am.
Please let me know what you think of this. Do you find value in what I am writing about. It will help to guide me further.
Please visit or for more information.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
We Have A Choice - Heal Through Rubenfeld Synergy
With each day, we have this choice: we can build walls, block ourselves from the light, and suffer a dampness in the soul. Or we can live barely, shine on through, and suffer the nicks of erosion for living in the open.
Most of us live behind walls that were started by others and finished by ourselves. Very often, we fear each other without reason - the wall builders and those who shine on through. But it really comes down to how to make it through life - safely or fully. What I've learned is that the more I risk being who I am - like a sun daring to shine - the thinner the walls need to be outside of me.
As we move through life, there were times when walls were necessary, but more often we can protect ourselves by being who we are. Neither hiding nor revealing ourselves will prevent our share of pain we hold in our body but through Rubenfeld Synergy you will learn how to be comfortable and feel safe on who you truly are.
Your body holds your life story. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to the wisdom of your body and become aware of what and how many walls you hold in your life. With each session, Rubenfeld Synergy helps you to become aware of those walls, habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering you to make concrete improvements in your daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows you to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone.
For more information, visit or
Most of us live behind walls that were started by others and finished by ourselves. Very often, we fear each other without reason - the wall builders and those who shine on through. But it really comes down to how to make it through life - safely or fully. What I've learned is that the more I risk being who I am - like a sun daring to shine - the thinner the walls need to be outside of me.
As we move through life, there were times when walls were necessary, but more often we can protect ourselves by being who we are. Neither hiding nor revealing ourselves will prevent our share of pain we hold in our body but through Rubenfeld Synergy you will learn how to be comfortable and feel safe on who you truly are.
Your body holds your life story. Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to the wisdom of your body and become aware of what and how many walls you hold in your life. With each session, Rubenfeld Synergy helps you to become aware of those walls, habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering you to make concrete improvements in your daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows you to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone.
For more information, visit or
Monday, September 27, 2010
Pain Is A Sign - Rubenfeld Synergy
Pain is often a sign that something has to change. Our hearts and bodies often give us a message we fail to pay attention to. Ironically, we are all so aware of pain, can hardly ignore it, but we rarely hear what it has to say. It is true that we may need to withstand great pain, great heartache, great disappointment, and loss in order to unfold into the rest of our life. But our pain may also be showing us exactly where we need to change.
Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to your body, your pain, your heartache, your body's story, and importantly, what needs to be heard.
It is a very safe, gentle, supportive approach to become aware of what your body needs to say and what you need to hear.
To experience Rubenfeld Synergy will be a life changing experience - it is very different to move through life listening to your body rather than your head. Your body is your alia, it will help you to make decisions, it will assist you in becoming more aware of the emotional content that you hold or suppress in your body. When you release emotional stories, you feel lighter, happier, and know you are in a better place.
Let me know what you think about this - please leave a comment - I would like to know if anyone is reading my blog.
Of course, if you would like to learn more, please visit or
Through Rubenfeld Synergy, you will learn how to listen to your body, your pain, your heartache, your body's story, and importantly, what needs to be heard.
It is a very safe, gentle, supportive approach to become aware of what your body needs to say and what you need to hear.
To experience Rubenfeld Synergy will be a life changing experience - it is very different to move through life listening to your body rather than your head. Your body is your alia, it will help you to make decisions, it will assist you in becoming more aware of the emotional content that you hold or suppress in your body. When you release emotional stories, you feel lighter, happier, and know you are in a better place.
Let me know what you think about this - please leave a comment - I would like to know if anyone is reading my blog.
Of course, if you would like to learn more, please visit or
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is a unique therapeutic approach that combines the power of gentle touch, talk and compassionate listening to tap inner resources for improving health and wellness, in all aspects of the self: body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Throughout life, stress, memories and emotions are stored in our body. These ‘holdings’ show up as tensions, aches and pains and can cause us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and disconnected. Chronic stress and tension can manifest as dis-ease when we repeatedly ignore our body’s way of communicating to us.
RSM helps us to learn to listen to our bodies, and become aware of habitual patterns and tensions and translate their messages, empowering us to make concrete improvements in our daily lives and relationships.
Clients are fully clothed and may lie on a cushioned table or sit in a chair. The Synergist, as a caring facilitator, creates a safe and accepting environment and skillfully weaves together a combination of touch and talk to heighten the client’s awareness in the body. Clients are invited to notice physical sensations and express any feelings and thoughts that may emerge. The Synergist supports and intuitively deepens the client’s experience with touch, talk, movement and/or imagery. They safely explore habitual holding patterns, repressed emotions and distorted perceptions of self and others.
Sessions are generally 45-60 minutes in length. Boundaries are always respected and sessions are strictly confidential. The amount and frequency of the sessions depends on the individual’s needs. Unlike many other therapeutic modalities, in RSM, the client is an equal and active participant in their own healing process.
The result of this gentle interactive process is an accessing of hidden psycho-physical “blocks” that can lead to the release of stress and tension and an empowered sense of emotional and physical wellbeing. With new awareness, comes the possibility of changing limiting behaviors. RSM uses the body as a doorway to the self. In the process of listening to their bodies, clients often have the experience of ‘coming home to themselves’.
Some of the reported benefits of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® include recovery from physical and emotional trauma, pain management, increased ease of movement, improved body image and greater self-esteem.
For more information, visit or
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is a unique therapeutic approach that combines the power of gentle touch, talk and compassionate listening to tap inner resources for improving health and wellness, in all aspects of the self: body, mind, emotions and spirit.
Throughout life, stress, memories and emotions are stored in our body. These ‘holdings’ show up as tensions, aches and pains and can cause us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and disconnected. Chronic stress and tension can manifest as dis-ease when we repeatedly ignore our body’s way of communicating to us.
RSM helps us to learn to listen to our bodies, and become aware of habitual patterns and tensions and translate their messages, empowering us to make concrete improvements in our daily lives and relationships.
Clients are fully clothed and may lie on a cushioned table or sit in a chair. The Synergist, as a caring facilitator, creates a safe and accepting environment and skillfully weaves together a combination of touch and talk to heighten the client’s awareness in the body. Clients are invited to notice physical sensations and express any feelings and thoughts that may emerge. The Synergist supports and intuitively deepens the client’s experience with touch, talk, movement and/or imagery. They safely explore habitual holding patterns, repressed emotions and distorted perceptions of self and others.
Sessions are generally 45-60 minutes in length. Boundaries are always respected and sessions are strictly confidential. The amount and frequency of the sessions depends on the individual’s needs. Unlike many other therapeutic modalities, in RSM, the client is an equal and active participant in their own healing process.
The result of this gentle interactive process is an accessing of hidden psycho-physical “blocks” that can lead to the release of stress and tension and an empowered sense of emotional and physical wellbeing. With new awareness, comes the possibility of changing limiting behaviors. RSM uses the body as a doorway to the self. In the process of listening to their bodies, clients often have the experience of ‘coming home to themselves’.
Some of the reported benefits of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® include recovery from physical and emotional trauma, pain management, increased ease of movement, improved body image and greater self-esteem.
For more information, visit or
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Listen to the Wisdom of Your Body Workshop - Rubenfeld Synergy - Coming to Denver October 23, 2010
Listen to the Wisdom of your Body
An introductory workshop presented by Master Synergists Joe Weldon & Noel Wight.
Your Body is home to your thoughts, emotions and spirit. It can be an important resource, ally and guide for your life. The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® through its use of touch & talk helps people to Connect to the body’s wisdom. In this experiential workshop we will explore ways to listen to your body’s messages and decode their meaning.
Come - Experience this gentle and powerful bodymind approach.
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010,
1:00-5:00 pm
Where: People House
3035 West 25th Avenue,
Denver, CO 80211
Cost: $25.00
More information: 303-681-7905 or 215-659-1495
To Register:
An introductory workshop presented by Master Synergists Joe Weldon & Noel Wight.
Your Body is home to your thoughts, emotions and spirit. It can be an important resource, ally and guide for your life. The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® through its use of touch & talk helps people to Connect to the body’s wisdom. In this experiential workshop we will explore ways to listen to your body’s messages and decode their meaning.
Come - Experience this gentle and powerful bodymind approach.
When: Saturday, October 23, 2010,
1:00-5:00 pm
Where: People House
3035 West 25th Avenue,
Denver, CO 80211
Cost: $25.00
More information: 303-681-7905 or 215-659-1495
To Register:
Sunday, September 5, 2010
The principles and theoretical foundations of Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM)
The principles and theoretical foundations of Rubenfeld Synergy Method (RSM)
1. Each individual is unique:
Rubenfeld Synergists approach clients and their sessions with this principle of honoring their uniqueness.
2. The body, mind, emotions and spirit are dynamically interrelated:
Each time a change is introduced at one level, it has a ripple effect throughout the entire system.
3. Awareness is the first key to change:
By bringing the unconscious into awareness, clients have the opportunity to explore alternate choices and to develop possibilities for emotional, physical and psychophysical change.
4. Change occurs in the present moment:
Clients may experience memories of the past and fantasize about the future, but change itself can occur only in the present.
5. The ultimate responsibility for change rests with the client:
Rubenfeld Synergists can support clients to recognize dysfunctional behavior and guide them to try new ones. They cannot force clients to change.
6. Clients have the natural capacity for self-healing and self-regulation:
Innate healing ability already exists in clients, waiting to be actualized. Rubenfeld Synergists do not "cure" or "correct" but rather facilitate clients' healing.
7. The body's energy field and life force exist and can be sensed:
Rubenfeld Synergists use gentle touch to sense energy, its pulions and movement. When tight holding patterns in the body/mind are released, there is a marked change in the energetic quality.
8. Touch is a viable system of communication:
Rubenfeld Synergists develop "listening hands" to dialogue with clients, thus opening new gateways to their unconscious mind.
9. The body is a metaphor:
Clients' postural positions and movements may represent emotional issues in their lives.
10. The body tells the truth:
Often what clients communicate verbally is not congruent with their body's story. Rubenfeld Synergists guide their clients to listen to their body's message.
11. The body is the sanctuary of the soul:
Rubenfeld Synergy sessions may progress toward a spiritual dimension when clients deal with their "soul" issues—questioning their life values in relationships, families, communities and the world.
12. Pleasure needs to be supported to balance pain:
Rubenfeld Synergists help clients contact their strengths and joy so that they can experience pleasure to balance pain.
13. Humor can lighten and heal:
Appropriate humor, not sarcasm, interrupts habitual, painful patterns. Laughing invites deeper breathing, releases tense muscles and can heal pain.
14. Reflecting clients' verbal expressions validates their experience:
When clients hear what they have said, they often use this opportunity to reflect on their initial statements and take them to a deeper level.
15. Confusion facilitates change:
Confusion ususally interrupts habit patterns, creating a window of opportunity in which the client can experiment with new and non-habitual behavior.
16. Altered states of consciousness can enhance healing:
Altered states are pathways to the unconscious mind. They facilitate heightened awareness and enable clients to access physical and emotional memories that still inhabit their bodies
17. Integration is necessary for lasting results:
Many physical problems change when their associated emotional material is processed. Unless clients integrate their new insights and behaviors into their daily lives, they may revert back to their previous problems.
18. Self-care is the first step to client care:
Rubenfeld Synergists are trained to take care of themselves from burnout by maintaining personal boundaries, paying attention to their physical environments and listening to their bodies, minds and emotions.
Learn how to use yourself - your whole being as an instrumetn for inquiry and intervention through Rubenfeld Synergy.
For more information visit or
1. Each individual is unique:
Rubenfeld Synergists approach clients and their sessions with this principle of honoring their uniqueness.
2. The body, mind, emotions and spirit are dynamically interrelated:
Each time a change is introduced at one level, it has a ripple effect throughout the entire system.
3. Awareness is the first key to change:
By bringing the unconscious into awareness, clients have the opportunity to explore alternate choices and to develop possibilities for emotional, physical and psychophysical change.
4. Change occurs in the present moment:
Clients may experience memories of the past and fantasize about the future, but change itself can occur only in the present.
5. The ultimate responsibility for change rests with the client:
Rubenfeld Synergists can support clients to recognize dysfunctional behavior and guide them to try new ones. They cannot force clients to change.
6. Clients have the natural capacity for self-healing and self-regulation:
Innate healing ability already exists in clients, waiting to be actualized. Rubenfeld Synergists do not "cure" or "correct" but rather facilitate clients' healing.
7. The body's energy field and life force exist and can be sensed:
Rubenfeld Synergists use gentle touch to sense energy, its pulions and movement. When tight holding patterns in the body/mind are released, there is a marked change in the energetic quality.
8. Touch is a viable system of communication:
Rubenfeld Synergists develop "listening hands" to dialogue with clients, thus opening new gateways to their unconscious mind.
9. The body is a metaphor:
Clients' postural positions and movements may represent emotional issues in their lives.
10. The body tells the truth:
Often what clients communicate verbally is not congruent with their body's story. Rubenfeld Synergists guide their clients to listen to their body's message.
11. The body is the sanctuary of the soul:
Rubenfeld Synergy sessions may progress toward a spiritual dimension when clients deal with their "soul" issues—questioning their life values in relationships, families, communities and the world.
12. Pleasure needs to be supported to balance pain:
Rubenfeld Synergists help clients contact their strengths and joy so that they can experience pleasure to balance pain.
13. Humor can lighten and heal:
Appropriate humor, not sarcasm, interrupts habitual, painful patterns. Laughing invites deeper breathing, releases tense muscles and can heal pain.
14. Reflecting clients' verbal expressions validates their experience:
When clients hear what they have said, they often use this opportunity to reflect on their initial statements and take them to a deeper level.
15. Confusion facilitates change:
Confusion ususally interrupts habit patterns, creating a window of opportunity in which the client can experiment with new and non-habitual behavior.
16. Altered states of consciousness can enhance healing:
Altered states are pathways to the unconscious mind. They facilitate heightened awareness and enable clients to access physical and emotional memories that still inhabit their bodies
17. Integration is necessary for lasting results:
Many physical problems change when their associated emotional material is processed. Unless clients integrate their new insights and behaviors into their daily lives, they may revert back to their previous problems.
18. Self-care is the first step to client care:
Rubenfeld Synergists are trained to take care of themselves from burnout by maintaining personal boundaries, paying attention to their physical environments and listening to their bodies, minds and emotions.
Learn how to use yourself - your whole being as an instrumetn for inquiry and intervention through Rubenfeld Synergy.
For more information visit or
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Your Body is Your Clay Home - Rubenfeld Synergy
Reading from ANAM CARA by John O’Donohue
“Your body is your clay home; your body is the only home that you have in this universe. It is in and through your body that your soul becomes visible and real for you. Your body is the home of your soul on earth”…..the body is a sacred threshold and it deserves to be respected, minded and understood in its spiritual nature – ‘Your body knows you very intimately – it is aware of your whole spirit…. Far sooner than your mind knows… (Your body knows). The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.
Invite yourself to go inside, close your eyes, and notice what body part do you rely on?
Just notice – no judging
What was the experience like for you?
This is about you listening to yourself……how gentle you can be to yourself…..what is it like to be gentle…..
Your body holds your life story - what was your experience as you closed your eyes and what did you notice - where were you drawn to? All of this is example of how we would work together to hear what your body wants to say.
Through the work of Rubenfeld Synergy, your body will reveal a treatment plan as we witness this exciting work together. Sometimes a metaphor surfaces that relates to what is happening in your life. For example, you did a body scan and noticed and were drawn to your stomach area. Your stomach area felt tense and experienced pressure. A metaphor could be "what can you not stomach in your life"? We would stay with this sensation of feeling tense and pressure in your stomach and follow the thread.
After a session, you come away with an experience of listening to your body and coming back home.
If you are curious, love adventure and exploring, call me.
Visit or for more information.
“Your body is your clay home; your body is the only home that you have in this universe. It is in and through your body that your soul becomes visible and real for you. Your body is the home of your soul on earth”…..the body is a sacred threshold and it deserves to be respected, minded and understood in its spiritual nature – ‘Your body knows you very intimately – it is aware of your whole spirit…. Far sooner than your mind knows… (Your body knows). The inner voices of the body want to speak to us, to inform us of the truths beneath the fixed surface of our external lives.
Invite yourself to go inside, close your eyes, and notice what body part do you rely on?
Just notice – no judging
What was the experience like for you?
This is about you listening to yourself……how gentle you can be to yourself…..what is it like to be gentle…..
Your body holds your life story - what was your experience as you closed your eyes and what did you notice - where were you drawn to? All of this is example of how we would work together to hear what your body wants to say.
Through the work of Rubenfeld Synergy, your body will reveal a treatment plan as we witness this exciting work together. Sometimes a metaphor surfaces that relates to what is happening in your life. For example, you did a body scan and noticed and were drawn to your stomach area. Your stomach area felt tense and experienced pressure. A metaphor could be "what can you not stomach in your life"? We would stay with this sensation of feeling tense and pressure in your stomach and follow the thread.
After a session, you come away with an experience of listening to your body and coming back home.
If you are curious, love adventure and exploring, call me.
Visit or for more information.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage
Why the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is Not Massage
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is not a form of massage therapy. It differs from massage in goals, philosophy, and techniques or method.
Different Goals. The overall goal of Rubenfeld Synergy is psychophysical re-education. RSM assists clients in exploring problems they are experiencing in any area of their functioning, in developing greater awareness on all levels, and in making more satisfactory choices in their way of being. The goals of massage are much more narrow: to enhance the functioning of joints and muscles, to improve circulation and muscle tone, and to relieve mental and physical fatigue.
Different Philosophy. Rubenfeld Synergists see the individual as a whole being with mind, body, emotions, and spirit interrelated and interactive, capable of self-healing, self-regulations, growth, and change. The responsibility for growth and change rests with the client. In contrast, the massage client is completely passive, with the massage therapist responsible for producing results and the focus is on changes in the physical body.
Different Techniques. Rubenfeld Synergy uses gentle, non-intrusive touch with fully clothed clients. Rubenfeld Synergists “listen” with their hands and use intentional touch, movement and talk throughout the session. They frequently use metaphor, imaging, and humor in verbal interactions. As a client identifies an area of concern in his/her life, the Synergist suggests and “experiment” in that moment that is designed to provide an opportunity to re-experience some personal issue or event from a new perspective. This can lead to a new behavior sequence or a new view of an earlier experience.
In specific contrast to massage, the Rubenfeld Synergy client is always fully clothed. RSM uses none of the tools of massage, not hot or cold packs, nor oils or hydrotherapy or aromatherapy, nor any of the techniques such as stroking or kneading or tapping. RSM does not even use its light touch for therapeutic purposes, but only to heighten the client’s awareness. RSM never uses deep tissue manipulation.
In summary, both the purpose and the technique of Rubenfeld Synergy differ so greatly from those of massage, that RSM can not, in any way, be considered a form of massage nor should it come under the regulations that govern massage.
For more information, visit or
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is not a form of massage therapy. It differs from massage in goals, philosophy, and techniques or method.
Different Goals. The overall goal of Rubenfeld Synergy is psychophysical re-education. RSM assists clients in exploring problems they are experiencing in any area of their functioning, in developing greater awareness on all levels, and in making more satisfactory choices in their way of being. The goals of massage are much more narrow: to enhance the functioning of joints and muscles, to improve circulation and muscle tone, and to relieve mental and physical fatigue.
Different Philosophy. Rubenfeld Synergists see the individual as a whole being with mind, body, emotions, and spirit interrelated and interactive, capable of self-healing, self-regulations, growth, and change. The responsibility for growth and change rests with the client. In contrast, the massage client is completely passive, with the massage therapist responsible for producing results and the focus is on changes in the physical body.
Different Techniques. Rubenfeld Synergy uses gentle, non-intrusive touch with fully clothed clients. Rubenfeld Synergists “listen” with their hands and use intentional touch, movement and talk throughout the session. They frequently use metaphor, imaging, and humor in verbal interactions. As a client identifies an area of concern in his/her life, the Synergist suggests and “experiment” in that moment that is designed to provide an opportunity to re-experience some personal issue or event from a new perspective. This can lead to a new behavior sequence or a new view of an earlier experience.
In specific contrast to massage, the Rubenfeld Synergy client is always fully clothed. RSM uses none of the tools of massage, not hot or cold packs, nor oils or hydrotherapy or aromatherapy, nor any of the techniques such as stroking or kneading or tapping. RSM does not even use its light touch for therapeutic purposes, but only to heighten the client’s awareness. RSM never uses deep tissue manipulation.
In summary, both the purpose and the technique of Rubenfeld Synergy differ so greatly from those of massage, that RSM can not, in any way, be considered a form of massage nor should it come under the regulations that govern massage.
For more information, visit or
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Rubenfeld Synergy Method
After reading all of the articles and information posted on this blog have you wondered what it would be like to have a Rubenfeld Synergy session or asked yourself what would this do for me, would I experience something in my life different and would I feel better each day.
From my own personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions - yes you will feel different and better.
I was first introduced to this work when my best girlfriend was an intern in the Rubenfeld Synergy Training Program in 2002 gave me a session. Wow, it was unbelievable. Not really understanding what she was going to do I was open to the experience as I laid on a padded massage table being fully clothed. I remembered her touch - it was supportive, caring, and safe - safety was and is very important for me even to this day. Out of my session came the release of emotion that I had held in my body, specially in my left hip which hurt for years, the trauma that I experienced from a horrible car accident some 25 years earlier. From that day on, I never had or experience any more pain from my left hip.
I realized that throughout my lifetime, stress, memories and suppressed or denied emotions are stored in our bodies, affecting our health and well-being. These “holdings”, “tensions” and “aches” cause us to live feeling chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected like the pain in my left hip that I had for years.
Rubenfeld Syngery Method helped me to learn to listen to my body, become aware of habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering me to make concrete improvements in my daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows us to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone
From my very first session, I became a support of this work and entered into the program in 2003 and graduated in 2007. Many people have not heard of this powerful work.
It changed my life - when you can come home to be in your body, it is good to be home. My life and experience has been warm, fuzzy, safe, and fun.
Would you not want to feel great in your body and be in a better place?
For my information, please visit or or give me a call.
From my own personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions - yes you will feel different and better.
I was first introduced to this work when my best girlfriend was an intern in the Rubenfeld Synergy Training Program in 2002 gave me a session. Wow, it was unbelievable. Not really understanding what she was going to do I was open to the experience as I laid on a padded massage table being fully clothed. I remembered her touch - it was supportive, caring, and safe - safety was and is very important for me even to this day. Out of my session came the release of emotion that I had held in my body, specially in my left hip which hurt for years, the trauma that I experienced from a horrible car accident some 25 years earlier. From that day on, I never had or experience any more pain from my left hip.
I realized that throughout my lifetime, stress, memories and suppressed or denied emotions are stored in our bodies, affecting our health and well-being. These “holdings”, “tensions” and “aches” cause us to live feeling chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected like the pain in my left hip that I had for years.
Rubenfeld Syngery Method helped me to learn to listen to my body, become aware of habitual patterns and tensions and decode their messages empowering me to make concrete improvements in my daily life and relationships. The uniqueness of Rubenfeld Synergy lies in the use of talk and touch together. Touch heightens awareness, both emotionally and physically, and allows us to explore levels that are difficult to access through talk alone
From my very first session, I became a support of this work and entered into the program in 2003 and graduated in 2007. Many people have not heard of this powerful work.
It changed my life - when you can come home to be in your body, it is good to be home. My life and experience has been warm, fuzzy, safe, and fun.
Would you not want to feel great in your body and be in a better place?
For my information, please visit or or give me a call.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Rubenfeld Synergy: The Missing Piece
Rubenfeld Synergy: The Missing Piece
Learn how Rubenfeld Synergy helped Author Shelly Meurer avoid surgery through Rubenfeld Synergy:
For massage therapist and Rubenfeld Synergist Shelly Meurer, Rubenfeld Synergy provided the missing piece that helped her avoid having major surgery. Here’s her story:
“In 1993, I was diagnosed with a debilitating bladder disease that caused excruciating pain. Initially, I went the route of traditional medicine, visiting Mayo Clinic several times. After years of searching for relief, I was told the disease had progressed to advanced stages. The only option I had was to remove my bladder, which was not a good option; I decided to try alternative therapies.
"I began treatment at a holistic center, and within a few months there was marked improvement; however, I was still not completely pain-free. I remember expressing to my acupuncturist my feeling that there was a piece missing. She handed me the January/February 1998 issue of MASSAGE Magazine, which featured a write-up about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method. After reading this article,
I knew immediately that I needed to work with a synergist.
“I decided to join the Rubenfeld Synergy training program and experienced a turning point in my healing when I volunteered for a demonstration with Ilana Rubenfeld. Her warm touch and sincere interest in what I was saying communicated a safe, supportive environment.
“During the session, I felt I was being listened to in a way I had not experienced before. A traumatic experience from my childhood that was buried deep inside of me began to emerge. As I shared the events that took place, Ilana listened to my physical story with her gentle touch and supported my verbal and emotional story with words that validated my experience. I was able to rescript my responses to the people who had hurt me, saying things I was not able to say in the past. As my body let go and my muscles relaxed, I felt a tremendous sense of freedom and relief.
“What I know today, from my experience as a client and a synergist, is our minds and our bodies are not wired separately; our physical experiences are connected to our emotional experiences.”
What are you waiting for - visit or for more information.
Learn how Rubenfeld Synergy helped Author Shelly Meurer avoid surgery through Rubenfeld Synergy:
For massage therapist and Rubenfeld Synergist Shelly Meurer, Rubenfeld Synergy provided the missing piece that helped her avoid having major surgery. Here’s her story:
“In 1993, I was diagnosed with a debilitating bladder disease that caused excruciating pain. Initially, I went the route of traditional medicine, visiting Mayo Clinic several times. After years of searching for relief, I was told the disease had progressed to advanced stages. The only option I had was to remove my bladder, which was not a good option; I decided to try alternative therapies.
"I began treatment at a holistic center, and within a few months there was marked improvement; however, I was still not completely pain-free. I remember expressing to my acupuncturist my feeling that there was a piece missing. She handed me the January/February 1998 issue of MASSAGE Magazine, which featured a write-up about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method. After reading this article,
I knew immediately that I needed to work with a synergist.
“I decided to join the Rubenfeld Synergy training program and experienced a turning point in my healing when I volunteered for a demonstration with Ilana Rubenfeld. Her warm touch and sincere interest in what I was saying communicated a safe, supportive environment.
“During the session, I felt I was being listened to in a way I had not experienced before. A traumatic experience from my childhood that was buried deep inside of me began to emerge. As I shared the events that took place, Ilana listened to my physical story with her gentle touch and supported my verbal and emotional story with words that validated my experience. I was able to rescript my responses to the people who had hurt me, saying things I was not able to say in the past. As my body let go and my muscles relaxed, I felt a tremendous sense of freedom and relief.
“What I know today, from my experience as a client and a synergist, is our minds and our bodies are not wired separately; our physical experiences are connected to our emotional experiences.”
What are you waiting for - visit or for more information.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Touch Meets Talk: The Rubenfeld Synergy Method
Touch Meets Talk: The Rubenfeld Synergy Method
Have you ever worked with a client who had some emotional issues and sensed it was affecting her physical healing process? Have you ever experienced the surfacing of these emotions while doing a massage and wondered if there was a method that would address both body and mind?
Jodi Peppel, an experienced massage therapist with a successful practice in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, wondered about this. She felt confident in her skills when working with the body; however, her therapeutic touch often evoked deep emotional responses from her clients, leaving her feeling confused about how to proceed.
Professionally, I knew deep down that a major piece was missing for me as a clinician and the people with whom I was working," Peppel said.
While attending a weekend Rubenfeld Synergy workshop, Peppel found a modality that addressed her desire to support the physical and emotional well-being of her clients. She enrolled in the Rubenfeld Synergy training program and now has a successful Rubenfeld Synergy practice.
Guided by touch
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a holistic approach distinguished from other methods by its combined use of gentle touch, talk and compassionate listening. Sessions are done on a cushioned table or in a chair. Clients are fully clothed.
Throughout life, stress, memories and emotions are stored in our bodies. They show up as aches, pains and tension, which can cause us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and disconnected. Gentle touch with supportive listening, a defining characteristic of Rubenfeld Synergy, is used to heighten the client’s awareness of these areas.
Unlike massage therapists, Certified Rubenfeld Synergists do not use techniques to directly release muscular tension. Instead, they support and pay close attention to any changes in the body that may reflect a holding on or a letting go.
By incorporating talk with touch, the client becomes an active participant in the process. As clients notice what is happening in their bodies, guided by gentle touch, they are invited to express their experience verbally.
This combination of talk and touch helps clients listen to themselves more fully, which can help access stored memory and emotions. Clients begin to see how the stress and tension in their bodies relates to the stress and tension in life, making the body-mind connection.
Creating awareness
Rubenfeld Synergy client "Sophie" began receiving sessions when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. The stress of his disease and the responsibility of his care weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her body was dense, often tight and constricted, as if she were trying to hold it all together.
As Sophie lay on the table, Rubenfeld Synergist Theresa Pettersen-Chu gently made contact with her feet and ever so slightly moved each foot from side to side. The movement to Sophie’s feet startled her.
"Every time I relax, something else happens," Sophie then said. "So now I just stay tense."
"It’s like the ground is always shifting and you have nowhere to land," Pettersen-Chu responded.
This resonated with Sophie, and Pettersen-Chu wondered, as a synergist, what it would be like for her to experience the sense of having her feet on solid ground. She gently lifted Sophie's right leg, invited her knee to bend and placed her foot on the table. She did the same with the left leg, and placed the palms of her hands on Sophie's feet. Sophie felt the warmth of Pettersen-Chu's hands and the solidness of the table.
“This feels safe and comforting,” Sophie said. “I wasn’t aware of how unsafe I felt.” Her body relaxed, and she felt her shoulders sink into the table.
Orchestrating a technique
During the late 1960s, Ilana Rubenfeld, an orchestral conductor, suffered from severe pain caused by the repetitive arm-and-hand gestures required by her profession. Seeking relief, Rubenfeld went to a practitioner of the Alexander Technique, a method that teaches how to use posture and balance.
Touched by the gentle hands of her teacher, Rubenfeld felt the tension in her back soften and a sudden welling of intense emotions. Untrained in the realm of emotions, her Alexander Technique teacher referred her to a psychoanalyst. When she met with her psychoanalyst, the intensity of her emotions subsided, and Rubenfeld was unable to access her feelings the way she did when she was touched. Recognizing the need for an approach that combined touch with talk, she embarked on a journey to create one.
Rubenfeld's first step was to become an Alexander Technique teacher. She then trained with Moshé Feldenkrais, who taught people how to become aware of and release habitual holding patterns in the body.
At the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, Rubenfeld met Fritz Perls, co-founder of Gestalt therapy. Perls’ approach to psychotherapy focused on the client’s experience in the present moment. As Perls worked with the client’s verbal story, he asked Rubenfeld to use her experienced touch to track the body’s story. She noticed subtle muscle responses, as clients shared their emotional experiences. Rubenfeld realized the next step was to have one practitioner facilitate the somatic and emotional work simultaneously.
Like orchestrating a symphony, Rubenfeld brought together the work of her three teachers, creating a duet of talk and touch. She found a powerful, yet gentle, way to address body, mind, emotions and spirit.
The word synergy, which means “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts," was suggested for her work.
“Using gentle touch, I try to help people listen to the emotional undercurrents of their experiences that are frozen in their bodies," Rubenfeld said.
Multiple benefits
There are many benefits of Rubenfeld Synergy, including the relief of stress and tension, improved self-esteem, increased ease of movement, transformation of unhealthy habits and recovery from physical or emotional trauma.
You may have worked with clients who experience the same physical issues over and over again, and nothing seems to help. Maybe you have clients who are so stressed out they can’t relax, or they say the only time they can relax is during massage. These are the people who could benefit from Rubenfeld Synergy.
“As a massage therapist, I know when it’s time for my clients to go deeper, to let go of tight muscles and stuffed emotions," said Cindy (who requested her last name not be published), a massage therapist in Cincinnati, Ohio. "That’s what I call ‘hitting the wall.' I find Rubenfeld Synergy to be a wonderful complement to resolving hidden issues … an incredible tool for self-exploration.”
Rubenfeld Synergy adds a whole new dimension to bodywork and provides the tools for developing more presence, in mind and body, with yourself and your clients. Learning to listen to the body in a different way gives you the ability to empower people to make the body-mind connection, which enables them to release both physical and emotional tension. This can improve the quality of their life.
Mastering the technique
In 1977, Rubenfeld began teaching students in the first Rubenfeld Synergy training program. Although many students in the early years of the training built professional practices, including Joe Weldon and Noel Wight, now co-directors of the training program, others used the training for personal growth.
Ten years ago, Rubenfeld and the faculty revamped the Rubenfeld Synergy training program, making it an intensive, four-year professional certification program. The last year of the program is an internship, with an emphasis on supervised Rubenfeld Synergy sessions, mentorship and practice building.
The training program meets three times per year. Each of these training modules is seven days. Each student also participates in three regional group meetings per year, scheduled between the main training modules. Students in the same geographic area meet with faculty to practice, review and deepen their skills. During the training, students are required to have 20 personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions per year.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method does not strictly fall under the category of bodywork or psychotherapy. It is a unique body-mind paradigm. Currently, Certified Rubenfeld Synergists accept and adhere to extensive standards of practice and ethical code. A governing board monitors and oversees practicing synergists in the areas of certification maintenance, professional practices and ethical principles.
By Shelly Meurer and Theresa Pettersen-Chu
To find out more about Rubenfeld Synergy visit or
Have you ever worked with a client who had some emotional issues and sensed it was affecting her physical healing process? Have you ever experienced the surfacing of these emotions while doing a massage and wondered if there was a method that would address both body and mind?
Jodi Peppel, an experienced massage therapist with a successful practice in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, wondered about this. She felt confident in her skills when working with the body; however, her therapeutic touch often evoked deep emotional responses from her clients, leaving her feeling confused about how to proceed.
Professionally, I knew deep down that a major piece was missing for me as a clinician and the people with whom I was working," Peppel said.
While attending a weekend Rubenfeld Synergy workshop, Peppel found a modality that addressed her desire to support the physical and emotional well-being of her clients. She enrolled in the Rubenfeld Synergy training program and now has a successful Rubenfeld Synergy practice.
Guided by touch
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a holistic approach distinguished from other methods by its combined use of gentle touch, talk and compassionate listening. Sessions are done on a cushioned table or in a chair. Clients are fully clothed.
Throughout life, stress, memories and emotions are stored in our bodies. They show up as aches, pains and tension, which can cause us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and disconnected. Gentle touch with supportive listening, a defining characteristic of Rubenfeld Synergy, is used to heighten the client’s awareness of these areas.
Unlike massage therapists, Certified Rubenfeld Synergists do not use techniques to directly release muscular tension. Instead, they support and pay close attention to any changes in the body that may reflect a holding on or a letting go.
By incorporating talk with touch, the client becomes an active participant in the process. As clients notice what is happening in their bodies, guided by gentle touch, they are invited to express their experience verbally.
This combination of talk and touch helps clients listen to themselves more fully, which can help access stored memory and emotions. Clients begin to see how the stress and tension in their bodies relates to the stress and tension in life, making the body-mind connection.
Creating awareness
Rubenfeld Synergy client "Sophie" began receiving sessions when her husband was diagnosed with cancer. The stress of his disease and the responsibility of his care weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her body was dense, often tight and constricted, as if she were trying to hold it all together.
As Sophie lay on the table, Rubenfeld Synergist Theresa Pettersen-Chu gently made contact with her feet and ever so slightly moved each foot from side to side. The movement to Sophie’s feet startled her.
"Every time I relax, something else happens," Sophie then said. "So now I just stay tense."
"It’s like the ground is always shifting and you have nowhere to land," Pettersen-Chu responded.
This resonated with Sophie, and Pettersen-Chu wondered, as a synergist, what it would be like for her to experience the sense of having her feet on solid ground. She gently lifted Sophie's right leg, invited her knee to bend and placed her foot on the table. She did the same with the left leg, and placed the palms of her hands on Sophie's feet. Sophie felt the warmth of Pettersen-Chu's hands and the solidness of the table.
“This feels safe and comforting,” Sophie said. “I wasn’t aware of how unsafe I felt.” Her body relaxed, and she felt her shoulders sink into the table.
Orchestrating a technique
During the late 1960s, Ilana Rubenfeld, an orchestral conductor, suffered from severe pain caused by the repetitive arm-and-hand gestures required by her profession. Seeking relief, Rubenfeld went to a practitioner of the Alexander Technique, a method that teaches how to use posture and balance.
Touched by the gentle hands of her teacher, Rubenfeld felt the tension in her back soften and a sudden welling of intense emotions. Untrained in the realm of emotions, her Alexander Technique teacher referred her to a psychoanalyst. When she met with her psychoanalyst, the intensity of her emotions subsided, and Rubenfeld was unable to access her feelings the way she did when she was touched. Recognizing the need for an approach that combined touch with talk, she embarked on a journey to create one.
Rubenfeld's first step was to become an Alexander Technique teacher. She then trained with Moshé Feldenkrais, who taught people how to become aware of and release habitual holding patterns in the body.
At the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California, Rubenfeld met Fritz Perls, co-founder of Gestalt therapy. Perls’ approach to psychotherapy focused on the client’s experience in the present moment. As Perls worked with the client’s verbal story, he asked Rubenfeld to use her experienced touch to track the body’s story. She noticed subtle muscle responses, as clients shared their emotional experiences. Rubenfeld realized the next step was to have one practitioner facilitate the somatic and emotional work simultaneously.
Like orchestrating a symphony, Rubenfeld brought together the work of her three teachers, creating a duet of talk and touch. She found a powerful, yet gentle, way to address body, mind, emotions and spirit.
The word synergy, which means “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts," was suggested for her work.
“Using gentle touch, I try to help people listen to the emotional undercurrents of their experiences that are frozen in their bodies," Rubenfeld said.
Multiple benefits
There are many benefits of Rubenfeld Synergy, including the relief of stress and tension, improved self-esteem, increased ease of movement, transformation of unhealthy habits and recovery from physical or emotional trauma.
You may have worked with clients who experience the same physical issues over and over again, and nothing seems to help. Maybe you have clients who are so stressed out they can’t relax, or they say the only time they can relax is during massage. These are the people who could benefit from Rubenfeld Synergy.
“As a massage therapist, I know when it’s time for my clients to go deeper, to let go of tight muscles and stuffed emotions," said Cindy (who requested her last name not be published), a massage therapist in Cincinnati, Ohio. "That’s what I call ‘hitting the wall.' I find Rubenfeld Synergy to be a wonderful complement to resolving hidden issues … an incredible tool for self-exploration.”
Rubenfeld Synergy adds a whole new dimension to bodywork and provides the tools for developing more presence, in mind and body, with yourself and your clients. Learning to listen to the body in a different way gives you the ability to empower people to make the body-mind connection, which enables them to release both physical and emotional tension. This can improve the quality of their life.
Mastering the technique
In 1977, Rubenfeld began teaching students in the first Rubenfeld Synergy training program. Although many students in the early years of the training built professional practices, including Joe Weldon and Noel Wight, now co-directors of the training program, others used the training for personal growth.
Ten years ago, Rubenfeld and the faculty revamped the Rubenfeld Synergy training program, making it an intensive, four-year professional certification program. The last year of the program is an internship, with an emphasis on supervised Rubenfeld Synergy sessions, mentorship and practice building.
The training program meets three times per year. Each of these training modules is seven days. Each student also participates in three regional group meetings per year, scheduled between the main training modules. Students in the same geographic area meet with faculty to practice, review and deepen their skills. During the training, students are required to have 20 personal Rubenfeld Synergy sessions per year.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method does not strictly fall under the category of bodywork or psychotherapy. It is a unique body-mind paradigm. Currently, Certified Rubenfeld Synergists accept and adhere to extensive standards of practice and ethical code. A governing board monitors and oversees practicing synergists in the areas of certification maintenance, professional practices and ethical principles.
By Shelly Meurer and Theresa Pettersen-Chu
To find out more about Rubenfeld Synergy visit or
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Body Mind Therapy
By Jeanne Reock
“What are you experiencing in your body right now?” “Where in your body do you feel the sadness?” “When else have you felt that sadness?” “If the pain in your back had a voice, what would it be saying?”
Modern science is now confirming what traditional cultures have known for eons: we are whole beings. Our feelings, our beliefs and attitudes, our physical well-being and our spiritual life are all one piece; what happens in one part, affects each of the others.
The father of the movement to recognize that body and mind are one was unquestionably Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst and student of Freud. One of Reich's primary contributions was the concept of "armoring". Reich believed that we all experience emotional and physical trauma to varying degrees and that, as infants and young children, we "armor" ourselves by constricting our musculature in order to deal with the pain and to protect ourselves.
For instance, the child who is constantly told not to touch things in the house may become the adult who walks and moves in a fearful, hesitant way. These are the physical manifestations of his constriction. On an emotional level, he is likely to be fearful of reaching out and trying new things; he feels unwanted and unwelcome. He sees the world as a dangerous place where it’s easy to get into trouble; he wants to figure out the rules so he can do it right and be safe.
These constrictions remain throughout our lives and become so much a part of who we are that we lack even the awareness of them. They exist on several planes-physical, emotional and mental (in our beliefs and attitudes)—and limit our ability to live life to its fullest. They often distort our perceptions, our relationships and our bodies in painful and dysfunctional ways.
Reich applied very deep pressure to certain parts of the body and worked with the emotions, images, memories and sounds that were released. Through invasive touch, Reich was able to break through the armor and reach the underlying, unconscious beliefs, memories and feelings that had been locked into the muscles and the fascia (surrounding tissue) at the time of the trauma.
What the child takes in as trauma might not fit our normal definition of the word. Trauma includes subtle messages from significant others, even such commonplace ones as “Don’t cry,” “Don’t be noisy,” “Smile” or “Be nice." Whenever children are told not to feel or express what they are, in fact, feeling, they must exert an effort to suppress their feelings and the urge to express them. Failure to do so can jeopardize survival since children are dependent on the good will of their significant others.
Since feelings are literally felt in the body, they can be deadened by contracting the muscles surrounding the area. When this is done again and again or a major event causes a severe contraction, the muscles and the surrounding fascia remain contracted, frozen in place, even when the individual is as relaxed as he/she knows how to be. And so we have adults who are out of touch with their feelings and their bodies and who operate unconsciously out of belief systems they adopted long ago and that may no longer work for them.
Reich’s work inspired many to explore further and develop their own ways of helping people free themselves from their armoring so that their life force or energy can flow freely through their whole being. Some continued the focus on deep body work, adding new techniques for breaking down the armoring and helping the true self emerge. The use of sound, movement and breathing techniques were developed even further by others such as the Neo-Reichians, Core Energetics, Bio-Energetics, Rolfing, and Hellerwork.
Beginning in the 1950s, other forms of work developed that are premised on the body-mind connection, but are distinguished by their gentleness. These include the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, the Hakomi Method, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, the Rosen Method, and the Focusing Technique. Gestalt Therapy, with its emphasis on what is happening in the whole being and in the moment, was part of this body-oriented flow in the ‘60s and ’70s.
Ilana Rubenfeld, the founder of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, describes her work as “melting” the armor rather than breaking it down. Believing that we learn more through pleasure than through pain, she uses gentle, non-invasive touch as a way of communicating a caring and supportive presence. Rubenfeld’s “listening hands” also serve as a valuable source of information about what is happening with the client on the deepest levels; her hands are an important two-way form of communication. In the safety of that touch and with the use of visualization and light humor, Rubenfeld encourages the client to go deeply into the hidden places.
Although a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist starts with what the client is experiencing physically at the moment or what is happening in his/her life, the session often moves to the early years when the feelings and beliefs that undergird present experience came into being. The use of touch helps the client experience rather than just talk about feelings, facilitates the release of old holding patterns in both body and psyche. Trusting the inner wisdom of the client is basic to the work.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, developed by Michael Lee, takes a somewhat different approach, fusing Yoga postures with elements of contemporary body/mind psychology to identify and release physical and emotional tensions. By combining a sequence of Yoga postures supported by the practitioner, with breathing techniques, visualization, meditation and dialogue, the process enables the client to recognize and dissolve habitual holding patterns.
Other body-centered therapies such as Focusing and Hakomi use special techniques to direct clients’ attention to their feelings, bodily sensations, breathing, muscular tensions, voice and movements. The Focusing technique, created by Eugene Gendlin, does not include touch and can be incorporated into traditional talk therapy with relative ease. In the Hakomi Method, as taught by Ron Kurtz, the therapist uses supportive touch at times to facilitate the client’s inward journey to awareness and release. First the Hakomi therapist creates a relationship that allows the client to feel safe and to establish an attitude of mindfulness, a special way of looking at himself and how he organizes experience. In the state of mindfulness, experiences are then evoked and processed to help the client understand and change. For instance, working with a client who has chronic shoulder pain, the therapist, after learning that the man carries a lot of responsibility in his life, has two assistants in the group take over the job of supporting the man’s shoulders, letting his muscles relax, so that he can experience what it is like not to shoulder so much responsibility. Then he might recognize that he has a choice, both in his body and in his life.
Empowering people to make conscious choices is what body- mind therapy is all about. This process is facilitated by recognizing that the choices we made long ago are locked into our bodies as well as our psyches and that change is most effective when it involves all levels of being- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
For more information, visit or
By Jeanne Reock
“What are you experiencing in your body right now?” “Where in your body do you feel the sadness?” “When else have you felt that sadness?” “If the pain in your back had a voice, what would it be saying?”
Modern science is now confirming what traditional cultures have known for eons: we are whole beings. Our feelings, our beliefs and attitudes, our physical well-being and our spiritual life are all one piece; what happens in one part, affects each of the others.
The father of the movement to recognize that body and mind are one was unquestionably Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian psychoanalyst and student of Freud. One of Reich's primary contributions was the concept of "armoring". Reich believed that we all experience emotional and physical trauma to varying degrees and that, as infants and young children, we "armor" ourselves by constricting our musculature in order to deal with the pain and to protect ourselves.
For instance, the child who is constantly told not to touch things in the house may become the adult who walks and moves in a fearful, hesitant way. These are the physical manifestations of his constriction. On an emotional level, he is likely to be fearful of reaching out and trying new things; he feels unwanted and unwelcome. He sees the world as a dangerous place where it’s easy to get into trouble; he wants to figure out the rules so he can do it right and be safe.
These constrictions remain throughout our lives and become so much a part of who we are that we lack even the awareness of them. They exist on several planes-physical, emotional and mental (in our beliefs and attitudes)—and limit our ability to live life to its fullest. They often distort our perceptions, our relationships and our bodies in painful and dysfunctional ways.
Reich applied very deep pressure to certain parts of the body and worked with the emotions, images, memories and sounds that were released. Through invasive touch, Reich was able to break through the armor and reach the underlying, unconscious beliefs, memories and feelings that had been locked into the muscles and the fascia (surrounding tissue) at the time of the trauma.
What the child takes in as trauma might not fit our normal definition of the word. Trauma includes subtle messages from significant others, even such commonplace ones as “Don’t cry,” “Don’t be noisy,” “Smile” or “Be nice." Whenever children are told not to feel or express what they are, in fact, feeling, they must exert an effort to suppress their feelings and the urge to express them. Failure to do so can jeopardize survival since children are dependent on the good will of their significant others.
Since feelings are literally felt in the body, they can be deadened by contracting the muscles surrounding the area. When this is done again and again or a major event causes a severe contraction, the muscles and the surrounding fascia remain contracted, frozen in place, even when the individual is as relaxed as he/she knows how to be. And so we have adults who are out of touch with their feelings and their bodies and who operate unconsciously out of belief systems they adopted long ago and that may no longer work for them.
Reich’s work inspired many to explore further and develop their own ways of helping people free themselves from their armoring so that their life force or energy can flow freely through their whole being. Some continued the focus on deep body work, adding new techniques for breaking down the armoring and helping the true self emerge. The use of sound, movement and breathing techniques were developed even further by others such as the Neo-Reichians, Core Energetics, Bio-Energetics, Rolfing, and Hellerwork.
Beginning in the 1950s, other forms of work developed that are premised on the body-mind connection, but are distinguished by their gentleness. These include the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, the Hakomi Method, Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, the Rosen Method, and the Focusing Technique. Gestalt Therapy, with its emphasis on what is happening in the whole being and in the moment, was part of this body-oriented flow in the ‘60s and ’70s.
Ilana Rubenfeld, the founder of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method, describes her work as “melting” the armor rather than breaking it down. Believing that we learn more through pleasure than through pain, she uses gentle, non-invasive touch as a way of communicating a caring and supportive presence. Rubenfeld’s “listening hands” also serve as a valuable source of information about what is happening with the client on the deepest levels; her hands are an important two-way form of communication. In the safety of that touch and with the use of visualization and light humor, Rubenfeld encourages the client to go deeply into the hidden places.
Although a Certified Rubenfeld Synergist starts with what the client is experiencing physically at the moment or what is happening in his/her life, the session often moves to the early years when the feelings and beliefs that undergird present experience came into being. The use of touch helps the client experience rather than just talk about feelings, facilitates the release of old holding patterns in both body and psyche. Trusting the inner wisdom of the client is basic to the work.
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy, developed by Michael Lee, takes a somewhat different approach, fusing Yoga postures with elements of contemporary body/mind psychology to identify and release physical and emotional tensions. By combining a sequence of Yoga postures supported by the practitioner, with breathing techniques, visualization, meditation and dialogue, the process enables the client to recognize and dissolve habitual holding patterns.
Other body-centered therapies such as Focusing and Hakomi use special techniques to direct clients’ attention to their feelings, bodily sensations, breathing, muscular tensions, voice and movements. The Focusing technique, created by Eugene Gendlin, does not include touch and can be incorporated into traditional talk therapy with relative ease. In the Hakomi Method, as taught by Ron Kurtz, the therapist uses supportive touch at times to facilitate the client’s inward journey to awareness and release. First the Hakomi therapist creates a relationship that allows the client to feel safe and to establish an attitude of mindfulness, a special way of looking at himself and how he organizes experience. In the state of mindfulness, experiences are then evoked and processed to help the client understand and change. For instance, working with a client who has chronic shoulder pain, the therapist, after learning that the man carries a lot of responsibility in his life, has two assistants in the group take over the job of supporting the man’s shoulders, letting his muscles relax, so that he can experience what it is like not to shoulder so much responsibility. Then he might recognize that he has a choice, both in his body and in his life.
Empowering people to make conscious choices is what body- mind therapy is all about. This process is facilitated by recognizing that the choices we made long ago are locked into our bodies as well as our psyches and that change is most effective when it involves all levels of being- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
For more information, visit or
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Roots and Wings of Rubenfeld Synergy
Roots and Wings of Rubenfeld Synergy
We are all children of the earth riding the wind. This became a reality the moment we stood upright. From this position, through our hips and our feet our bodies take root on the ground. We are not planted. We are step creatures, always moving and contemplating the next step. Sometimes we give ourselves the next step, sometimes we are taken. The hips are always swaying to keep in time with the turning of the earth. When the hips lose their ability to sway or to be swayed, life feels dead. We don’t feel the ground. From the hips down to our feet, the body reaches to the earth looking for its support. The connection to the earth allows the upper body to fly.
In this upright position, we fly. We fly as humans fly. This means we can align our spines to reach, resonate, and recoil. In this body flight will not happen without roots and roots will not happen without flight. They need each other. This flight we speak of today as we already said is human flight. We are lifted into the atmosphere by the alignment and natural curvature of our spines. It is not the flight or fight or flight which is really running away in body terms. It is the flight of lifting off into our length, which houses our longings and sense of a soaring spirit. It is as if the spine and shoulders are instruments of light, soaring and turning in the airwaves. The four curves in our spine make us aerodynamic and allow us to lift up even with great burden on us. Our shoulders are like the wings that allow us to float freely in the air, our head and neck the navigational gear that orients us in time and space.
At some point in each of our lives, we are thrown an unexpected curve that lands in our spine and disrupts our flying. In these moments the spine is dealing with an unnatural curve. One put there by the world. Usually the unexpected curve is one of pain, trauma, guilt, or shame. We could make a list of all the unexpected curves we have experienced. The unexpected curves of trauma take us out of roots. We become up in the air with no ability to fly. We are then moved by weather patterns whatever way the wind blows. This is also known as being dominated by our feelings. We do things or don’t do things just because we feel like it.
The unexpected curve was the learning curve for Ilana Rubenfeld, responsible for the founding of this work. The pain in her back took away Ilana’s flight into the musical sky. When her back hurt she lost her wings. Her brilliant discovery was that in order to have wings again, she had to know, experience and express the thoughts, emotions, and spirit along in the body of her crashing. Her story is the underpinning of all we do in RSM. WE reinvigorate movement. The body is looking for movement, for the restoration of movement. Ilana wanted her movement back. Movement is most important to the body. The mind is interested in meaning. When we put the mind and body together we have meaningful movement. For most of us an unexpected curve tends to cut us in half leaving our feet with no flight and flight with no feet. In human flight, this is called crashing to the ground whether it is collapse or falling over.
In RSM, we help a person to get their feet back under their heart. When our feet are back solidly under our hearts we become givers instead of seekers. The natural rhythm and ability of the body to give and receive is restored. This is what is important about having our roots and wings. It allows us to reach and receive simultaneously. It brings touch and talk together, tapping the root of our work and our existence --- THE BODY!
The body is the root of our work. The roots are different than the underpinnings. The underpinnings of RSM are Alexander, Feldenkrais, Rubenfeld touch, and Rubenfeld talk. The foundation of our life, the place where we are found is in the body. When we dialogue with the body we tap the roots of our existence. It is the place we root from, searching for nutrients and cheering ourselves on.
The body reveals a treatment plan. It tells us how a person needs to be treated and what would feel like a treat. The body tells us when the heart is in the stomach, and that is needs to be put back in the chest. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a neck. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a turning radius. The body tells us about our ability to reach or recoil. The body tells us about a spinal cord that has lost its harmony. It tells us the tale of its life by how it moves its tailbone. The body is the root our work. We constantly tap it trust it touch it and treat it.
We give a person their neck back. We rewire the nervous system. We help a person to lengthen to lighten. We put the heart back into chests and we invite the feet to come under it is support it. We help the body to regain its spine to line up the foraman in each vertebra so that the spinal cord can once again become a spinal cord full of harmony and harmonious resonance. We help the body to regain its natural ability to turn, turn up turn down turn in turn out turn over. Having our turning radius helps us when we don’t know where we are going. We can turn around to make sure we know where we’re coming from. We help the body to move in the direction it needs to move forwards backwards side to side up or down.
Ultimately, what we help a body to do is return to its natural state of giving. This allows the spirit to soar. In its natural state of giving two things happen. The body doesn’t make mistakes, because it is not in a taking mode. It doesn’t mis-take one thing for another. It may have misgivings. The other thing is, it reconnects us with the natural state of receiving. Receiving is the natural true complement to giving. Taking is the false compliments to giving as in give-and-take. Give-and-take is usually dominated by taking. We are a culture of takers. You can hear it in our everyday language. We take time to take a shower, take a seat, take a moment, and take a breath. Let’s do an experiment. Take a breath and notice what happens in your body. Now give yourself a breath and notice what happens in your body. When the body returns to giving and receiving, we hear in the body’s language the roots for flight and flying from a human place. We no longer fly off the handle.
This article was written by Master Synergist Joe Weldon with permission to publish
For more information, visit or
We are all children of the earth riding the wind. This became a reality the moment we stood upright. From this position, through our hips and our feet our bodies take root on the ground. We are not planted. We are step creatures, always moving and contemplating the next step. Sometimes we give ourselves the next step, sometimes we are taken. The hips are always swaying to keep in time with the turning of the earth. When the hips lose their ability to sway or to be swayed, life feels dead. We don’t feel the ground. From the hips down to our feet, the body reaches to the earth looking for its support. The connection to the earth allows the upper body to fly.
In this upright position, we fly. We fly as humans fly. This means we can align our spines to reach, resonate, and recoil. In this body flight will not happen without roots and roots will not happen without flight. They need each other. This flight we speak of today as we already said is human flight. We are lifted into the atmosphere by the alignment and natural curvature of our spines. It is not the flight or fight or flight which is really running away in body terms. It is the flight of lifting off into our length, which houses our longings and sense of a soaring spirit. It is as if the spine and shoulders are instruments of light, soaring and turning in the airwaves. The four curves in our spine make us aerodynamic and allow us to lift up even with great burden on us. Our shoulders are like the wings that allow us to float freely in the air, our head and neck the navigational gear that orients us in time and space.
At some point in each of our lives, we are thrown an unexpected curve that lands in our spine and disrupts our flying. In these moments the spine is dealing with an unnatural curve. One put there by the world. Usually the unexpected curve is one of pain, trauma, guilt, or shame. We could make a list of all the unexpected curves we have experienced. The unexpected curves of trauma take us out of roots. We become up in the air with no ability to fly. We are then moved by weather patterns whatever way the wind blows. This is also known as being dominated by our feelings. We do things or don’t do things just because we feel like it.
The unexpected curve was the learning curve for Ilana Rubenfeld, responsible for the founding of this work. The pain in her back took away Ilana’s flight into the musical sky. When her back hurt she lost her wings. Her brilliant discovery was that in order to have wings again, she had to know, experience and express the thoughts, emotions, and spirit along in the body of her crashing. Her story is the underpinning of all we do in RSM. WE reinvigorate movement. The body is looking for movement, for the restoration of movement. Ilana wanted her movement back. Movement is most important to the body. The mind is interested in meaning. When we put the mind and body together we have meaningful movement. For most of us an unexpected curve tends to cut us in half leaving our feet with no flight and flight with no feet. In human flight, this is called crashing to the ground whether it is collapse or falling over.
In RSM, we help a person to get their feet back under their heart. When our feet are back solidly under our hearts we become givers instead of seekers. The natural rhythm and ability of the body to give and receive is restored. This is what is important about having our roots and wings. It allows us to reach and receive simultaneously. It brings touch and talk together, tapping the root of our work and our existence --- THE BODY!
The body is the root of our work. The roots are different than the underpinnings. The underpinnings of RSM are Alexander, Feldenkrais, Rubenfeld touch, and Rubenfeld talk. The foundation of our life, the place where we are found is in the body. When we dialogue with the body we tap the roots of our existence. It is the place we root from, searching for nutrients and cheering ourselves on.
The body reveals a treatment plan. It tells us how a person needs to be treated and what would feel like a treat. The body tells us when the heart is in the stomach, and that is needs to be put back in the chest. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a neck. The body tells us what it is like to walk around without a turning radius. The body tells us about our ability to reach or recoil. The body tells us about a spinal cord that has lost its harmony. It tells us the tale of its life by how it moves its tailbone. The body is the root our work. We constantly tap it trust it touch it and treat it.
We give a person their neck back. We rewire the nervous system. We help a person to lengthen to lighten. We put the heart back into chests and we invite the feet to come under it is support it. We help the body to regain its spine to line up the foraman in each vertebra so that the spinal cord can once again become a spinal cord full of harmony and harmonious resonance. We help the body to regain its natural ability to turn, turn up turn down turn in turn out turn over. Having our turning radius helps us when we don’t know where we are going. We can turn around to make sure we know where we’re coming from. We help the body to move in the direction it needs to move forwards backwards side to side up or down.
Ultimately, what we help a body to do is return to its natural state of giving. This allows the spirit to soar. In its natural state of giving two things happen. The body doesn’t make mistakes, because it is not in a taking mode. It doesn’t mis-take one thing for another. It may have misgivings. The other thing is, it reconnects us with the natural state of receiving. Receiving is the natural true complement to giving. Taking is the false compliments to giving as in give-and-take. Give-and-take is usually dominated by taking. We are a culture of takers. You can hear it in our everyday language. We take time to take a shower, take a seat, take a moment, and take a breath. Let’s do an experiment. Take a breath and notice what happens in your body. Now give yourself a breath and notice what happens in your body. When the body returns to giving and receiving, we hear in the body’s language the roots for flight and flying from a human place. We no longer fly off the handle.
This article was written by Master Synergist Joe Weldon with permission to publish
For more information, visit or
Friday, June 25, 2010
Discover the Body of Emotion - Rubenfeld Synergy Method
Rubenfeld Synergy Training offers the most powerful, most complete advanced bodymind training available.
The Body Mind Connection - The Rubenfeld Synergy Method has been in the forefront of practicing and teaching the connection of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit for over 30 years. Recent research is shifting our view of health. People can no longer be treated in a compartmentalized manner. New excitement in the healing arts is emerging as scientists and doctors who are studying the brain and the mind have been shown the necessity for an integrated method. Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a leader in such an approach.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method uses the power of town to tap the inner resources necessary for deep healing. Stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies, affecting our health and well-being. These "holdings", "tensions" and "aches" cause us to live feeling chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected. Chronic stressors can manifest physically as disease.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method helps us learn to listen to the body. Our body holds the truth about who we are in our core. Through listening, we become aware of habitual patterns and tensions. We can then make new choices, transform old patterns, and bring concrete improvements to our daily lives and relationships. By understanding the relationship between our body and our emotions we can understand ourselves deeply and can claim greater role in our well-being.
For more information, visit or
The Body Mind Connection - The Rubenfeld Synergy Method has been in the forefront of practicing and teaching the connection of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit for over 30 years. Recent research is shifting our view of health. People can no longer be treated in a compartmentalized manner. New excitement in the healing arts is emerging as scientists and doctors who are studying the brain and the mind have been shown the necessity for an integrated method. Rubenfeld Synergy Method is a leader in such an approach.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method uses the power of town to tap the inner resources necessary for deep healing. Stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies, affecting our health and well-being. These "holdings", "tensions" and "aches" cause us to live feeling chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected. Chronic stressors can manifest physically as disease.
Rubenfeld Synergy Method helps us learn to listen to the body. Our body holds the truth about who we are in our core. Through listening, we become aware of habitual patterns and tensions. We can then make new choices, transform old patterns, and bring concrete improvements to our daily lives and relationships. By understanding the relationship between our body and our emotions we can understand ourselves deeply and can claim greater role in our well-being.
For more information, visit or
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Program
What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event. You can develop post-traumatic stress dis-order when you experience or witness an event that causes intense fear, helplessness or horror.
Many people who are involved in traumatic events have a period of difficulty adjusting and coping and experience troublesome memories, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep problems, and general numbing of emotional responses. These symptoms may completely disrupt your life.
Do you feel stuck and can’t move forward. We can help you!
Body-Mind Approach Rubenfeld Synergy Method(®) with Traditional Counseling!
Your first session you will experience a holistic body mind approach in your healing of your body. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you” and speaks its truth.
Your second session you will experience a safe place to explore the intricacies of your story, a place where you can begin to let down your guard and enter into the deeper places in your soul.
Through talk therapy, you will form a therapeutic alliance where, together, we will work through your life concerns.
Are you having difficulty sleeping, having nightmares, feeling overwhelmed and isolated?
Are you ready to start to walk down the path of healing?
Complimentary Body–Mind Therapy
Janet Cook, CRS, CNA
Certified Rubenfeld Synergist
Certified Nursing Assistant
Visit or
Liz Pritchard, M.A.
Mental Health Counselor
Relationship Psychotherapist
Visit or
What are you waiting for? You are the author of your life.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety disorder that is triggered by a traumatic event. You can develop post-traumatic stress dis-order when you experience or witness an event that causes intense fear, helplessness or horror.
Many people who are involved in traumatic events have a period of difficulty adjusting and coping and experience troublesome memories, flashbacks, nightmares, sleep problems, and general numbing of emotional responses. These symptoms may completely disrupt your life.
Do you feel stuck and can’t move forward. We can help you!
Body-Mind Approach Rubenfeld Synergy Method(®) with Traditional Counseling!
Your first session you will experience a holistic body mind approach in your healing of your body. Your body is the place where your emotions, thoughts, and memories live. It is the container of your life story. It registers and records the events of your life in its cells. Your body has a language of its own. Your heart beats with excitement or you get a knot in your stomach, or when a loud sound goes off with no notice, your body reacts with fear and anxiety. These are the ways that your body “talks to you” and speaks its truth.
Your second session you will experience a safe place to explore the intricacies of your story, a place where you can begin to let down your guard and enter into the deeper places in your soul.
Through talk therapy, you will form a therapeutic alliance where, together, we will work through your life concerns.
Are you having difficulty sleeping, having nightmares, feeling overwhelmed and isolated?
Are you ready to start to walk down the path of healing?
Complimentary Body–Mind Therapy
Janet Cook, CRS, CNA
Certified Rubenfeld Synergist
Certified Nursing Assistant
Visit or
Liz Pritchard, M.A.
Mental Health Counselor
Relationship Psychotherapist
Visit or
What are you waiting for? You are the author of your life.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Who Is That Pain In Your Neck? Listening to Your Body’s Messages - RUBENFELD SYNERGY METHOD®
Who Is That Pain In Your Neck?
Listening to Your Body’s Messages
Who can forget the old song, “I gotta wash that man right outta my hair”? Well, believe it or not, sometimes a painful break-up, a job lay-off, even an old memory from childhood can leave messy traces of emotional residue in or on the body; and it takes a little more than shampoo to get rid of it! Today’s fast paced society might rely on catchy quick-fix slogans like, “Get over yourself!”, “No pain, no gain!”, or “He’s just not that into you!” But often uncomfortable experiences (especially those involving grief, sadness, confusion, betrayal, abandonment, unworthiness or anger) get swept under the rug, only to resurface disguised as physical “dis-ease”. Even the most successful, confident, well-adjusted people encounter life experiences that leave them with unresolved feelings which sometimes masquerade as conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, insomnia, even tennis elbow!
Understanding this hidden link between what happens in the mind and what shows up in the body is the beauty behind a groundbreaking therapeutic healing technique called the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®. Developed by Ilana Rubenfeld in 1977, Rubenfeld Synergy is one of the most effective solutions for addressing stress, trauma, anxiety, tension and discomfort. It is a proven method that incorporates light touch with guided dialogue in a way that allows the body the freedom to uncover the sources of physical stress and discomfort. The results include accessing and releasing hidden physical/emotional tension stored in the body and restoring and maintaining health and wellbeing.
When Kay* discovered the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, her goal was just to address the feeling of neck and back strain that was causing her sleepless nights. Her grandmother had been arthritic, and experienced achy muscles, but Kay had a “gut feeling” that this was more than just a sign of getting older. Kay had some prior experiences with massage, Reiki, and other forms of bodywork, but was pleasantly surprised by what she discovered with Rubenfeld Synergy. Kay says, “I tried everything to deal with this problem. Then I found out after a few Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I didn’t need any more rubs, herbs, pills or potions to get rid of my aches. I just needed help hearing what was inside me. I was looking for what was physically wrong with me. But who knew that the heated arguments I had been having with an old boyfriend had literally become ‘a pain in my neck’! On the outside, I seemed fine, but on the inside I honestly did feel like I was ‘stabbed in the back’. Understanding this connection made all the difference in the world. It helped me let go of the pain.”
Like so many people who experience the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, Kay was able to feel safe and secure enough to uncover what was beneath the surface of her discomfort. Founder Ilana Rubenfeld explains in her book The Listening Hand, “Emotions and feelings are embedded both in our body and in our brain, and to reach them, we need touch — nonverbal communication — and talk. Through touch you can understand the body's message, and through talk you can understand the brain's, even if the message is "hiding" in the unconscious... I strongly believe that everything — mind and body, thoughts, emotions and feelings, bloodstream and brain, soul and spirit — must be in a state of synergy if we ourselves are to become whole.”
*Client’s name was changed to protect confidentiality
For more information visit or
Who Is That Pain In Your Neck?
Listening to Your Body’s Messages
Who can forget the old song, “I gotta wash that man right outta my hair”? Well, believe it or not, sometimes a painful break-up, a job lay-off, even an old memory from childhood can leave messy traces of emotional residue in or on the body; and it takes a little more than shampoo to get rid of it! Today’s fast paced society might rely on catchy quick-fix slogans like, “Get over yourself!”, “No pain, no gain!”, or “He’s just not that into you!” But often uncomfortable experiences (especially those involving grief, sadness, confusion, betrayal, abandonment, unworthiness or anger) get swept under the rug, only to resurface disguised as physical “dis-ease”. Even the most successful, confident, well-adjusted people encounter life experiences that leave them with unresolved feelings which sometimes masquerade as conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, seasonal affective disorder, insomnia, even tennis elbow!
Understanding this hidden link between what happens in the mind and what shows up in the body is the beauty behind a groundbreaking therapeutic healing technique called the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®. Developed by Ilana Rubenfeld in 1977, Rubenfeld Synergy is one of the most effective solutions for addressing stress, trauma, anxiety, tension and discomfort. It is a proven method that incorporates light touch with guided dialogue in a way that allows the body the freedom to uncover the sources of physical stress and discomfort. The results include accessing and releasing hidden physical/emotional tension stored in the body and restoring and maintaining health and wellbeing.
When Kay* discovered the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, her goal was just to address the feeling of neck and back strain that was causing her sleepless nights. Her grandmother had been arthritic, and experienced achy muscles, but Kay had a “gut feeling” that this was more than just a sign of getting older. Kay had some prior experiences with massage, Reiki, and other forms of bodywork, but was pleasantly surprised by what she discovered with Rubenfeld Synergy. Kay says, “I tried everything to deal with this problem. Then I found out after a few Rubenfeld Synergy sessions that I didn’t need any more rubs, herbs, pills or potions to get rid of my aches. I just needed help hearing what was inside me. I was looking for what was physically wrong with me. But who knew that the heated arguments I had been having with an old boyfriend had literally become ‘a pain in my neck’! On the outside, I seemed fine, but on the inside I honestly did feel like I was ‘stabbed in the back’. Understanding this connection made all the difference in the world. It helped me let go of the pain.”
Like so many people who experience the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, Kay was able to feel safe and secure enough to uncover what was beneath the surface of her discomfort. Founder Ilana Rubenfeld explains in her book The Listening Hand, “Emotions and feelings are embedded both in our body and in our brain, and to reach them, we need touch — nonverbal communication — and talk. Through touch you can understand the body's message, and through talk you can understand the brain's, even if the message is "hiding" in the unconscious... I strongly believe that everything — mind and body, thoughts, emotions and feelings, bloodstream and brain, soul and spirit — must be in a state of synergy if we ourselves are to become whole.”
*Client’s name was changed to protect confidentiality
For more information visit or
Saturday, June 5, 2010
RUBENFELD SYNERGY METHOD® - Can We Talk - What Your Body Would Say If It Could Speak
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method®, “What‟s that?‟”, wondered Kathy C.* when she first met a “Rubenfeld Synergist” at a women‟s workshop. The name may have sounded unfamiliar, perhaps even a little intimidating. But as most people who try the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® soon find out, this unique talk/touch method is anything but complicated or daunting. In fact, it‟s arguably one of today‟s most gentle and effective ways of relieving stress, anxiety, aches, and pains in today‟s society — which misconstrues “no pain” with “no gain”.
Here is what Kathy* had to say when she finally decided to give the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® a try: “For about a week, I was experiencing aches in my shoulders that I thought were just sore muscles from sleeping badly. But they persisted for several days even after taking ibuprofen. So, I figured...why not give Rubenfeld Synergy a try. I had no idea what to expect. But when I got there, the synergist‟s office was very comfortable. She put me at ease on a massage-type table, and right away I started to feel more relaxed. I was surprised when she started my session by putting her hands gently on my feet. She asked permission each time she switched positions to different body parts and I agreed. As she touched each area gently, she asked me questions about how I was feeling and what I was experiencing. It didn‟t even occur to me that she hadn‟t touched my shoulders at all. But it didn‟t matter. My shoulders started to relax as I found myself telling her about the things that I‟d been „shouldering‟ in my life. I had no idea I would be discussing this, but it was true...I‟d been feeling overwhelmed and off balance at work and in my relationships; and it felt like I was carrying the “mother load” around with me. By the time we were done, I had a strange urge to start moving my body like I used to when I had more free time to go dancing. So that‟s what I did later that evening! The shoulder aches were totally gone. No drugs, no physical therapy, no psychiatric counseling. I didn‟t need to change my mattress or quit my job. I just understood that I absolutely had to make more free time for me. I can‟t believe how one session made such a huge difference! I don‟t really know how it works, but it does.”
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® combines an effective systematic use of touch and talk to allow the body to speak for itself. It starts with the premise that the body already knows what it want and needs. Rubenfeld Synergy recognizes that the mind and body are connected and together they contain tremendous insights. A trained Rubenfeld Synergist facilitates the body‟s ability to open up, “explain itself” and reveal the hidden sources of discomfort as well as the solutions to ease, comfort and wellness. Without drugs or invasive procedures, Rubenfeld Synergy offers a safe, gentle effective way to approach healing and overall wellbeing. It activates the body‟s own internal wisdom.
*Client‟s name was changed to protect confidentiality
For more information, visit or
Here is what Kathy* had to say when she finally decided to give the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® a try: “For about a week, I was experiencing aches in my shoulders that I thought were just sore muscles from sleeping badly. But they persisted for several days even after taking ibuprofen. So, I figured...why not give Rubenfeld Synergy a try. I had no idea what to expect. But when I got there, the synergist‟s office was very comfortable. She put me at ease on a massage-type table, and right away I started to feel more relaxed. I was surprised when she started my session by putting her hands gently on my feet. She asked permission each time she switched positions to different body parts and I agreed. As she touched each area gently, she asked me questions about how I was feeling and what I was experiencing. It didn‟t even occur to me that she hadn‟t touched my shoulders at all. But it didn‟t matter. My shoulders started to relax as I found myself telling her about the things that I‟d been „shouldering‟ in my life. I had no idea I would be discussing this, but it was true...I‟d been feeling overwhelmed and off balance at work and in my relationships; and it felt like I was carrying the “mother load” around with me. By the time we were done, I had a strange urge to start moving my body like I used to when I had more free time to go dancing. So that‟s what I did later that evening! The shoulder aches were totally gone. No drugs, no physical therapy, no psychiatric counseling. I didn‟t need to change my mattress or quit my job. I just understood that I absolutely had to make more free time for me. I can‟t believe how one session made such a huge difference! I don‟t really know how it works, but it does.”
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® combines an effective systematic use of touch and talk to allow the body to speak for itself. It starts with the premise that the body already knows what it want and needs. Rubenfeld Synergy recognizes that the mind and body are connected and together they contain tremendous insights. A trained Rubenfeld Synergist facilitates the body‟s ability to open up, “explain itself” and reveal the hidden sources of discomfort as well as the solutions to ease, comfort and wellness. Without drugs or invasive procedures, Rubenfeld Synergy offers a safe, gentle effective way to approach healing and overall wellbeing. It activates the body‟s own internal wisdom.
*Client‟s name was changed to protect confidentiality
For more information, visit or
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Its Hip to be True - Tapping into the Wisdom of Your Body
From chronic sinus conditions, to migraines, to tendonitis...sometimes the most common aches and pains are the body’s way of saying that there’s more going on inside than meets the eye. The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® is a powerful, effective bodymind therapy that addresses a multitude of issues with a unique approach that can uncover the source of the client’s discomfort. The combined used of gentle touch and talk is the hallmark of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® and can access hidden “blocks” of emotional stress, trauma, anxiety, tension and uneasiness in the body. Using light touch and expertly directed dialogue, a Rubenfeld Synergist can assist clients in getting to the core of their discomfort. The results can be empowering experiences of release, relaxation and restoration of emotional and physical harmony and wellbeing.
Karla*, a 40-something single, professional happened upon Rubenfeld Synergy after trying various self-help methods to manage an unexpected onset of lower body aches, moodiness and lethargy. As a believer in holistic health, she was uninterested in pharmaceutical pain relief options; but knew that she needed more than a simple massage, a vacation or a day off from work. So at a friend’s urging, she decided to try the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®. Immediately, Karla felt at ease with the Synergist’s gentle manner, cozy office and comfortable treatment table. But little did she know that she was in for a far greater experience than simply an hour of R&R.
“After I was comfortable”, recalls Karla, “the Synergist gently placed her hand under my right hip, which made it feel higher than my left. Then she asked me what I felt.” Much to Karla’s own surprise, she simply let out a little laugh. Then, when asked about her laughter, Karla replied, “This may sound crazy, but with my hips in this position, it feels like the right side of my body has a real attitude.” The Synergist encouraged Karla to keep sharing honestly about her observations. So Karla went on to describe another unexpected sensation. She explained that the Synergist’s hand near her left knee made her think of the Virgin Mary kneeling to pray. “I don’t know why”, shared Karla, “but it feels very serious and religious on the left side of my body. But my right side feels sassy, like it just wants to shimmy and sway like a dancer.” As the Synergist encouraged these two sides of her body to continue “speaking the truth”, Karla was pleasantly surprised by her own discovery. By the end of the session, Karla exclaimed, “Wow! I think I get it! One part of me wants to be sexy and free-spirited and another side of me feels concerned about my religious beliefs and responsibilities! It’s like the two sides of me are at odds with each other.”
Karla had recently begun a new spiritual course of study; and it occurred to her that she was worried about how her new path would impact her ability to have a good time. When these thoughts arose, Karla usually chose not to acknowledge them, fearing that they might be signs of weakness in her faith. But the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® helped her realize that, not only was it OK to be honest with herself, it was necessary for her health. She felt relieved to discover what was actually at the “heart” of her aches. Over time, Karla was able to relax and experience a stronger sense of “knowing herself”. With subsequent sessions, she gained more ease with being truthful about her desires. Discovering her truth allowed Karla to have better balance in her life without feeling guilty!
While all results are unique to the individual’s experience, the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® explores each client’s internal wisdom and unites the natural connection between their body and mind. The result is gently guided awareness that leads to an active and empowered role in their healing. Without drugs or invasive procedures, the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® offers a safe, holistic complementary approach to physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
*Client’s name was changed to protect confidentiality
Karla*, a 40-something single, professional happened upon Rubenfeld Synergy after trying various self-help methods to manage an unexpected onset of lower body aches, moodiness and lethargy. As a believer in holistic health, she was uninterested in pharmaceutical pain relief options; but knew that she needed more than a simple massage, a vacation or a day off from work. So at a friend’s urging, she decided to try the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®. Immediately, Karla felt at ease with the Synergist’s gentle manner, cozy office and comfortable treatment table. But little did she know that she was in for a far greater experience than simply an hour of R&R.
“After I was comfortable”, recalls Karla, “the Synergist gently placed her hand under my right hip, which made it feel higher than my left. Then she asked me what I felt.” Much to Karla’s own surprise, she simply let out a little laugh. Then, when asked about her laughter, Karla replied, “This may sound crazy, but with my hips in this position, it feels like the right side of my body has a real attitude.” The Synergist encouraged Karla to keep sharing honestly about her observations. So Karla went on to describe another unexpected sensation. She explained that the Synergist’s hand near her left knee made her think of the Virgin Mary kneeling to pray. “I don’t know why”, shared Karla, “but it feels very serious and religious on the left side of my body. But my right side feels sassy, like it just wants to shimmy and sway like a dancer.” As the Synergist encouraged these two sides of her body to continue “speaking the truth”, Karla was pleasantly surprised by her own discovery. By the end of the session, Karla exclaimed, “Wow! I think I get it! One part of me wants to be sexy and free-spirited and another side of me feels concerned about my religious beliefs and responsibilities! It’s like the two sides of me are at odds with each other.”
Karla had recently begun a new spiritual course of study; and it occurred to her that she was worried about how her new path would impact her ability to have a good time. When these thoughts arose, Karla usually chose not to acknowledge them, fearing that they might be signs of weakness in her faith. But the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® helped her realize that, not only was it OK to be honest with herself, it was necessary for her health. She felt relieved to discover what was actually at the “heart” of her aches. Over time, Karla was able to relax and experience a stronger sense of “knowing herself”. With subsequent sessions, she gained more ease with being truthful about her desires. Discovering her truth allowed Karla to have better balance in her life without feeling guilty!
While all results are unique to the individual’s experience, the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® explores each client’s internal wisdom and unites the natural connection between their body and mind. The result is gently guided awareness that leads to an active and empowered role in their healing. Without drugs or invasive procedures, the Rubenfeld Synergy Method® offers a safe, holistic complementary approach to physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
*Client’s name was changed to protect confidentiality
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Listen to Your Body and Reduce Stress
Listen to Your Body and Reduce Stress with The Seven Steps of the Rubenfeld Synergy Method®
Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies. Sometimes these ‘holdings’ can show up as aches, pains and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected. These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us. When we ignore these ‘messages’, stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as disease.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method helps us to listen to the body using a combination of touch and talk. Through listening we become aware of habitual patterns and tensions. We can then make new choices, transform old patterns, relieve stress and bring tangible improvements to our daily lives.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is gentle and powerful and can lead to experiences of deep wellbeing, emotional connection and self-discovery.
Listed below are steps that Rubenfeld Synergists® may use when guiding clients to listen to their bodies. This is a process grounded in deep respect, openness and understanding. We encourage you to take this approach as you listen to your body.
The Seven Steps:
1. Be Curious-The word ‘curious’ comes from the same root word as ‘cure’ meaning to care for and pay attention to. Being genuinely curious instead of judgmental (e.g., “What’s wrong with me?”) promotes a caring relationship with your body and your being. As you listen to your body with care and curiosity (e.g., “What are you trying to tell me?”) you open the door to not only knowing your physical self, but also your emotional, mental and spiritual self.
2. Notice-The body has a language of its own. Often we ignore our body and only begin to listen when we feel tension, aches and pains. This is the body’s way of getting our attention. The body experiences and expresses numerous sensations both painful and pleasurable. It is important to notice both.
Close your eyes internally scan your body and notice where you are drawn to. What place is calling out for your attention in this moment? Is it your heart, shoulder, back, big toe, etc.? Each of these places has a message for you.
3. Touch-Gently make contact with the place in your body that is calling to you. Touch focuses your attention and heightens your awareness. If you cannot reach the place that is calling to you, imagine placing you hand there.
4. Describe-Using your senses describe what you are experiencing. Does this place feel heavy, tight, hard, soft, warm, compressed, etc.? Expand on the sensation by using metaphor. Example: “The heaviness across my chest feels like a steel plate pressing down on me.” Or “The warmth in my hip feels like a ray of sunshine radiating down my leg.”
5. Give Your Body a ‘Voice’-Imagine that this place could speak. What message does it have for you? Let this place speak in the “I”. Using the example of the hip given in Step #4, the hip might say, “I want to shine.”
6. Allow-Allow any feelings to emerge. E-motion is energy in motion, like a river it needs to flow. Use your breath to support the flow. When you continually suppress an emotion it can show up as aches, pain and tension in the body. For example, someone suppressing tears may experience a ‘lump’ in the throat. Another person may clench the jaw to suppress anger. If your emotions feel too intense, you may need to consider working with a Synergist, therapist or counselor.
7. Honor Your Experience with Love and Respect-The body speaks the truth, it does not lie. We can easily disregard, discount and/or diminish our experience. Appreciate your body for the wisdom it has given you. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
To find out more about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method visit or
Throughout life, stress, memories, and suppressed emotions are stored in our bodies. Sometimes these ‘holdings’ can show up as aches, pains and tensions causing us to feel chronically tired, emotionally drained and physically disconnected. These aches and pains are one of the ways our bodies communicate to us. When we ignore these ‘messages’, stress can become chronic and may eventually manifest as disease.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method helps us to listen to the body using a combination of touch and talk. Through listening we become aware of habitual patterns and tensions. We can then make new choices, transform old patterns, relieve stress and bring tangible improvements to our daily lives.
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method is gentle and powerful and can lead to experiences of deep wellbeing, emotional connection and self-discovery.
Listed below are steps that Rubenfeld Synergists® may use when guiding clients to listen to their bodies. This is a process grounded in deep respect, openness and understanding. We encourage you to take this approach as you listen to your body.
The Seven Steps:
1. Be Curious-The word ‘curious’ comes from the same root word as ‘cure’ meaning to care for and pay attention to. Being genuinely curious instead of judgmental (e.g., “What’s wrong with me?”) promotes a caring relationship with your body and your being. As you listen to your body with care and curiosity (e.g., “What are you trying to tell me?”) you open the door to not only knowing your physical self, but also your emotional, mental and spiritual self.
2. Notice-The body has a language of its own. Often we ignore our body and only begin to listen when we feel tension, aches and pains. This is the body’s way of getting our attention. The body experiences and expresses numerous sensations both painful and pleasurable. It is important to notice both.
Close your eyes internally scan your body and notice where you are drawn to. What place is calling out for your attention in this moment? Is it your heart, shoulder, back, big toe, etc.? Each of these places has a message for you.
3. Touch-Gently make contact with the place in your body that is calling to you. Touch focuses your attention and heightens your awareness. If you cannot reach the place that is calling to you, imagine placing you hand there.
4. Describe-Using your senses describe what you are experiencing. Does this place feel heavy, tight, hard, soft, warm, compressed, etc.? Expand on the sensation by using metaphor. Example: “The heaviness across my chest feels like a steel plate pressing down on me.” Or “The warmth in my hip feels like a ray of sunshine radiating down my leg.”
5. Give Your Body a ‘Voice’-Imagine that this place could speak. What message does it have for you? Let this place speak in the “I”. Using the example of the hip given in Step #4, the hip might say, “I want to shine.”
6. Allow-Allow any feelings to emerge. E-motion is energy in motion, like a river it needs to flow. Use your breath to support the flow. When you continually suppress an emotion it can show up as aches, pain and tension in the body. For example, someone suppressing tears may experience a ‘lump’ in the throat. Another person may clench the jaw to suppress anger. If your emotions feel too intense, you may need to consider working with a Synergist, therapist or counselor.
7. Honor Your Experience with Love and Respect-The body speaks the truth, it does not lie. We can easily disregard, discount and/or diminish our experience. Appreciate your body for the wisdom it has given you. Be gentle and kind to yourself.
To find out more about the Rubenfeld Synergy Method visit or
Friday, April 2, 2010
New Podcast made for Rubenfeld Synergy
Exciting news this week as I was interviewed for a podcast about my work as a Rubenfeld Synergist - I am so excited to see the final product which will be featured on the web site and
Sunday, March 28, 2010
New google ad for Rubenfeld Synergy
I'm really excited to learn about the new google ad that will appear with such words as stress relief - check out the below link to get a preview!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Advertising at LGBT Directory
I was approached last week from about advertising in their new online LGBT Business Directory. Their first concern was to check out if what I did would help their community and importantly, to make sure I was LGBT friendly. I explained my work as a Rubenfeld Synergist where I guide and help individuals learn to listen to their body, what it means to hear their body's story of their life, and how I assist people and becoming comfortable of who they are - as their body will reveal the treatment plan. I now tell people if you are looking for a quick fix of what is happening in your body or life, this work is not that. This work is for individuals looking for healing, to be curious, to explore, and to discover who they are.
I love this work as a Rubenfeld Synergist as I witness celebration at various levels for my client's new discovery, how they can move in the world with ease and comfort.
Check out our new ad at in the coming week. The ad is being developed and I am excited to be a part of the healing community.
I love this work as a Rubenfeld Synergist as I witness celebration at various levels for my client's new discovery, how they can move in the world with ease and comfort.
Check out our new ad at in the coming week. The ad is being developed and I am excited to be a part of the healing community.
Friday, February 12, 2010
Time flys by
Wow, it is already the middle of February - what have I been doing these past couple of months? I just attended an accelerated nursing assistant course and graduated at the end of January. I am in the process of practicing for my state board test next week.
Why did I take this course? I thought it would be a great compliment to experience the world of western medicine as we know it. For example, I did my clinical's in a nursing home only to notice that when a client had constipation, instead of considering using prune juice, a pill was delivered. I am not saying this was the wrong approach, it just raises my curiosity of using a natural approach.
I am presently putting together a program for individuals with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which will combine a Rubenfeld Synergy Session (holistic body-mind experience) and traditional counseling as support. I am very excited about this. One of the counseling in the Vast Wellness Center will be teaming up with me to provide such a program.
Please check both and for more information as it comes available.
Why did I take this course? I thought it would be a great compliment to experience the world of western medicine as we know it. For example, I did my clinical's in a nursing home only to notice that when a client had constipation, instead of considering using prune juice, a pill was delivered. I am not saying this was the wrong approach, it just raises my curiosity of using a natural approach.
I am presently putting together a program for individuals with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which will combine a Rubenfeld Synergy Session (holistic body-mind experience) and traditional counseling as support. I am very excited about this. One of the counseling in the Vast Wellness Center will be teaming up with me to provide such a program.
Please check both and for more information as it comes available.
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